Being as young as I am in a sport where the players are much older than I and male is fun but hard. I am often the only girl on the field, and the youngest there in general. It is hard. A lot of guys and men ridicule me, saying I shouldn't play, or can't play. Others treat me special because of my gender. This is a pain, because all I want it to be considered equal with them. Another thing is the lack of other females. What does one talk about when all the guys at the field are talking about guy stuff? Or girls? Or a lot of things really. Being the short, quiet girl that I am, its even harder with reffing. Some guys don't listen to me at all. Its even harder because the other refs look upon me as helpless and try to do my job for me. Just annoying. But this is also fun. I get respect from many guys for comming, putting up and playing with a bunch of boys. I love it, I make friends with most everyone, when I do talk to them. They understand though, not to talk or joke around me when I'm playing. Its just not a very good idea. How can one not like a sport such as ours? The lack of females really does get to one. *Editor's note: AMEN!* Girls just don't seem to want to play and this bothers me. I don't see why. They just don't give it a chance. There are some thing that are real turn offs of course. The bruises, the language, being surrounded by strange, (and I mean *strange*) menfolk. And again, the lack of other women. They just don't see that they could start something by getting more girls to play. No reason for this to be called a "Man's Sport", because it isn't. If you can give me one feasable reason males are better players than female, do so, that I may be amused. There really are none. Its an equal playing field, and its high time men accepted that. ' I don't mind it, being the only girl, I just wish there were more of us, ladies in arms. And the guys have to help with that. |