6:00AM Alarm clock goes off
6:02AM We listen for sounds Hannah is
6:03AM Karlyn says, “perhaps she will
let the dogs out this time”
6:05AM One cold nose and a dog with
his legs crossed indicates “no”
6:07AM Karlyn sweetly says “thank you
for premaking the coffee!”
6:09AM Karlyn retracts her last
statement and accuses me of making piss water
6:10AM Dogs come in. They are wet.
Dry themselves on people.
6:11AM Karlyn gets on shoes to get
newspaper. Looks outside. It’s really raining
6:12AM I go outside to get newspaper
6:13AM Belle leaves present for
6:14AM I tell Hannah that she has
something to pick up after school, and it ain’t Kelsey
6:14.01 AM Hannah forgets what she was just
6:15AM Hannah comes up in sweatshirt
6:16AM Hannah sent down because
sweatshirt has been used to clean horse stable
6:15AM Hannah claims she has nothing
to wear
6:17AM Hannah claims she has nothing
to eat
6:18AM Hannah claims nobody told her
about homework
6:19AM We both realize Hannah will be
a lawyer.
6:30AM Hannah disappears
6:54AM With friends knocking on door,
Hannah says “Nobody told me what time it was”
6:54AM Hannah is reminded to wear
6:54.01AM Hannah forgets about coat
6:55AM Hannah does not take kindly to
being told what a watch is for
6:56AM Hannah leaves for school
without coat
7:00AM We debate who will wake those
other two up
7:01AM Both are woken up
7:02AM Try #2
7:03AM This is not funny
7:04AM I mean it, Sophie
7:05AM We’ll buy you things. Just get
the hell up.
7:06AM Henry gets up with the promise
of food
7:10AM Sophie rises. Immediately
criticizes food, chair and life in general.
7:11AM Henry, in whiney voice, calls
Sophie a “Princ-Sass”
7:12AM Sophie, in whiney voice, says that
he’d better know it.
7:14AM Dad begs to leave
7:15AM Sophie has a wonderful meal
consisting of hot tea and cold toast
7:15AM Henry has a wonderful mean of
belching and rude behavior
7:16AM Henry goes to dress. Given the
icy cold rain falling, he will do so in shorts and a T-shirt
7:16AM Sophie goes to dress. Given
the icy cold rain falling, she will wear clothes appropriate for “Baywatch”
7:30AM Henry will still be in his underwear,
not exactly remembering why he was sent to his room
7:31AM Sophie will be screaming that
having a brush in her hair is tantamount to high treason. Mom.
8:00AM Karlyn mentions that they have
to leave by 8:15AM to get to school on time
8:15AM Henry can’t find his shoes.
Sent to his room for them.
8:20AM “What was I sent to my room
for mom?”
8:22AM Everyone in the car
8:23AM Henry sent back for 2nd
8:25AM Going to school
8:32AM Backup starts for other late
kids, 1 mile from school
8:33AM Sophie explains to all who
will listen, how it is to grow up with “peasants”
8:35AM Kids dropped off. “Next time
we can’t be late” says Sophie.
8:42AM Karlyn looks for those prescription
drugs again
Not sure what happens after
that, but the kids told me it involved electric shock