1. Normal form of Transportation


A Minivan


Three phrases: Pickup. Gun Rack. Gravel Road.

2. Most visited location.

The Gonzaga BB team. Oops, did I say that?

The Fair

The Jail

A ditch after a snowstorm

3. Most commonly heard summer phrase

Geez it’s hot, but hey, at least it’s a dry heat.

Dry heat hell, it’s bloody hot. I’m going back home

Oh quit your whining.

At least it’s not Boise

4. What locals do for fun

We don’t have fun in Spokane, we’re too conservative

Pretend we’re superior to people from E stern Washington

Visit Seattle as those people over there are so much superior to us.

Count Grasshoppers

5. #1 Reason given for living there

It’s not Idaho

Paying $10 to go to a fair to eat a $1 scone

Low crime, moderate temps, hey, I’m in the wrong damn place!

A intense dislike of neighbors… and civilization in general

6. Largest Monument

Mt. Spokane

Tim Eyeman’s Ego

The Great Yakima Cavern (formally known as the Yakima Mall)

Yellowstone (which we nicely allow those ungrateful twerps in Wyoming to share)

7. Fastest animal

Greg in a Pathfinder

Hannah going to the barn

Open bottle of Mexican Wine

The Collins family checking out of the Shilo Inn

8. You’ll know it’s time to move WHEN

You begin actually believing the phrase “it’s a dry heat”

A certain brother’s name is no longer on the “inmate” list at the local jail

Family members begin moving back

They finally begin paving the roads