The black woman, is a temple that is
sacred to all mankind,
which can not be understood by
the mortal theories of male egos.
The feelings of women are deeper
than any ocean, any sea,
or any earths crust!
It comes from depth of knowing
who you are, what you want,
and proud of whatever is given to them.
They hold dear to them every word
that is said, every thought that is
expressed and every heart that is touched.
But, what means the world to them
is when people realize that the
Black Woman, can not be controlled,
but can be given the love
of a mortal heart.
We have waited on man hand and foot,
have breathed life into their
ungrateful children, but has loved
their mate so much, has vowed
to love them until the last breath
has run through their body!
So, next time you look
at the Black Woman,
if you look hard enough,
you'll see more than just
a pretty face and a wonderful body!
You'll see the love God
felt for the mortal man,
for he gave them
the greatest gift of love.....
Vanesha Nation
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