There‘s a dilemma common
to Black women,
and that dilemma is Black women’s hair
They’ll spend a vast portion buying,
good products to sustain their hair care
They go to the beauty shop routinely,
for that perm and stunning hair style
and to straighten those roots that grow out,
to hold that straight look for a while
The perm’s the most common method,
used to style their diversities of hair
It ‘s straightening technique and procedure,
create designs with elegance and flair
Black women have numerous ways,
of sculpting their wide-range of hair
that distinguishes them
from other ethnic group,
with hair styles that none can compare
When Black women become tired,
of the time spent on their permed hair
the inventive styles of braiding,
is the choice they are willing to wear
And those who need a quick fix,
from the damage of chemicals and perms
can find an attractive braid style,
that will meet their own needs and terms
There are many styles for braids and locks,
that they often get confusing
Senegalese twists, Yarn locks,
Nu-locks, Silky locks,
and more are for the choosing
Although the average braiding time,
takes six to ten hours to complete
Black women feel it‘s worth the wait,
to have hair so stylish and neat
Through the years Black women's beauty,
has evolved from limited ways
hair styling is now very open,
with many possibilities and potential now days
Now Black women can express their culture,
in numerous ways of their own
No more limited creativity and expressions,
the potentials and immensities are unknown.
Priestess Jywanza ~)o(~
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