I Discovered Myself

Life is an endless journey,
with many ups and downs
We make discoveries and learn many lessons,
as we all go round
My most important discovery,
has been the discovery of me
Cuz far back as I can remember,
my mother's hot comb I‘d see

So I’d never known the hair,
intended for me to have and enjoy
Cuz when I started to perm,
my new growth made me annoyed
I’d rush to get another perm,
cuz my “kitchen” would embarrass me
But the day would finally come,
to stop the perms this I could see

After months of avoiding those perms,
I had what was naturally mine
No longer cared how others felt,
my natural hair was just fine
No longer did I feel ashamed,
I loved my natural hair
I'd finally discovered my genuine self,
a important journey there

Priestess Jywanza ~)o(~

Email Priestess Jywanza ~)o(~
