Raising Magical Children
Raising Magical Children

The simplicity of raising Magical Children is, that all children are magical when they are born. The key factor in raising spirited Goddess children is helping them maintain that intrinsic understanding of the Goddess & God. Those of us, who were not raised in households that recognized the Goddess, experienced the extensive journey needed to return to the Goddess. The unwinding of all the "programming" we have received, the re-establishment of our relationship with the Goddess/God, nature, Her cycles and the re-awakening of our innate wisdom and knowledge was not easily attained. It was a long, healing and at many times, painful process by which we undo that which was done and re-do that which should have been done. This path working was essential to our personal knowledge and wisdom, and serves as a foundation upon which we can Spiritually nurture our own beautiful children in the ways of the Goddess and God, that has been tragically lost by our global society.

As parents who have once again found the joy of living within the Goddess, we can raise our children in a manner that does not go against their very essential nature. They will not have to separate fact from fiction about what it means to be aware of the Goddess, as one who lives and loves in the beauty of the Goddess & God. We are beginning to see the effects of our efforts in raising children in a Goddess world today, as there are many delightful children and adults who were raised in this manner. These wonderful folks embody the self-reliance, thoughtfulness, ethically, and strength offered by this path and the raising of children within it.

As the number of Goddess parents increase, so will community skill at guiding these fine little people. We can meet, discuss and share our journey as parents and people who love these little bundles of beautiful potential. Guidance of children through their Spirit growth is not only a task of parents, but also of the larger community. This includes those wondrous people who choose not through biology, but through love, to participate in the lives of our children.

We love our children immensely and partake in their journey of spirit. We offer a diversity of role models for our children, each a manifestation of the Goddess and God, in many forms. How better for a child to overstand their own potential, than to see that potential in the faces interwoven in the beautiful tapestry that is this community & our friends? The very diversity that can create uproars between individuals and groups, is also the very diversity that illustrates the many colors on the pallet of life.

Magical life is a fortunate life, it is not to say that there are no downsides to the hills, but the downside of the hill only leads us on another journey upward to a new summit. The joy arises out of our essential knowledge that the journey is not in pieces but rather the value of the whole. The journey about the Wheel of Life is one with its ebbs and flows, recesses and heights, and valleys and mountains. As I have heard spoken so adeptly, one cannot value the mountain without valuing the valley.

The gift of a magical life allows us to revel in the experiences of raising spirited children. There needs to be no drudgery, no lectures, no drilling, no fear, no exacting punishment, no stain of sin, no living life based upon fear of an all-consuming evil. Our Goddess is not one who sits apart from us in fierce judgement, but rather she is the many-faced Mother, Crone and Maiden. She demands that we find our own way, to live our lives as our own, to make our decisions and see through to the consequences, to find the bliss that is in responsibility and understanding. She gives to us unconditional love, room to grow and the genuine magnificence that is life. She imparts on us the ability to explore the myriad emotions contained in the many facets of existence through Her understanding and guidance. As She teaches us, we teach our children, and we find ourselves changed forever.

What a joyful experience it is to see the Goddess & God through the eyes of a child. These eyes, through which we see that every moment is magical and every emotion rich, the eyes that can see the potential in everything and everyone. The eyes, through which things are beautiful.
