The Sisterhood of All Women on Earth unconditionally loves and cherishes you. It encourages you to fully esteem your valuable gifts and talents and to express your personal wisdom and vision. The Sisterhood of All Women on Earth cares deeply that you honor your Self.
As women come out of our distrust and separation from one another, we find that in spite of the diversity of every aspect of our lives, on a deep, heartfelt level we share our greatest needs and concerns. We find that no woman wants to live in a world of violence and abuse. No woman wants an unsafe, insecure place for her children, and her children's children. No woman wants the air to be unbreathable, the water to be undrinkable, the Earth unlivable. Women want to be heard and respected when they say "NO" to the things that compromise our integrity. Women want to walk in balance and equality with our male counterparts. All women want to feel whole and healthy and able to laugh with joy every day of our lives.
Why wouldn't we want to express the deepest knowing inside us? Why isn't natural that we would want to make life easier and lovelier for one another? Why wouldn't we want to empower ourselves to create, through our great imagination, a heaven here on Earth? We all originate from the same Creative Source: our incredibly, lavishly abundant and loving mother. She is within us, and if we don't share her heart and her vision, who will? If not now, when?
From the highest mountain to the lowest state of despair, we can help one another remember that we are here and that we deeply care. By connecting with each other, we encourage the awareness of the true bond we have with one another, and all life everywhere will benefit. It is magical.
In the spirit of truth, In the name of love,
Your sister and friend, a women.