Sister My Sister

Sister my Sister, can I speak
with you for a minute?
No, I don't want to hear
your business, cause I ain't
trying to be in it.

I'd just like to talk
with you if I could
and share my views on
the lack of “real” sisterhood.

You see I'm guilty and
maybe you are the same,
of judging my sisters
without even knowing their name.

I look at their shape, comment on their hair
and talk about what they
really should or shouldn't wear.

I roll my big eyes,
I put my hands on my hips,
and not a kind word comes
out of my “got the nerve“ lips.

Why can't I just smile, wave and say “hey,
I'm down with you sister, have a nice day“
We need to stick together,
it would be great if we could,
To promote unity, understanding
and “real“ sisterhood.

Without it we have nothing,
why not go for it all,
for sisters united we stand,
divided we fall.

So let's seize the moment,
before the moment is gone.
Grasp this message Sister
My Sister and PASS IT ON

Author Unknown