Submit Your Poems

Poems For Nubian Women

Those poems being submitted to our site will
be of the content of:
~the upliftment
~life styles
of the "Female Nubian"

Black Women's Hair Poetry

You are encouraged to submit poems regarding Black women's hair.

Those poems being submitted to our site will
be of the content of:
~Black hair
~ styles/naturals
~culture issues

Black Watch Research and Study
Afrocentric Powerful Poetry

We would love to have you submit
your poems dealing with all Black issues.


Poems shall be replaced when our allocated
space has been exhausted for our area.
This will allow others opportunity to
have their poem(s) posted as well.

As the result of your poem(s) being posted,
this well be for the soul purpose of
exposure and feed back purposes only.

~Submission Guidelines~

1. Please proofread your poetry before submitting.
2. We will post your poetry as it was submitted.
3. We will not consider poems with multiple typos.
4. Poems submitted in all CAPS will be disregarded
5. Poetry submitted in paragraph form will be disregarded.
6. All poems that are not selected will be discarded.
7. Those whose poems are selected
also have an option to submit a personal profile
8. Submit poems for consideration as often as you like.
9. All submissions are carefully read and considered.

Submitted poems WILL NOT be shared with third parties.

We reserve the right to refuse any poetry we
deem does not meet these requirements.

Thank You for your time and interest!

~Submit Your Poem(s)~

~~We take a special interest in those who support our gift shops
and or sign our Guest Book~~

Submit Written Poetry Below:

Request Information

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Now you can submit your audio poetry as well!

You can go to your programs
and then accessories - entertainment
to record your wav file there

Submit your audio poetry wav via email
as a attachment, along with your name and URL

Submit Audio Poetry Below:


Thank you for submitting your poem(s)!
We appreciate you taking the time
to submit your poem(s) for consideration
You shall be receiving a
confirmation email notice shortly.

We shall contact you

Thank you for your interested.

| Afrocentic Powerful Poems | Poems For Nubian Women |Black Women's Hair Poetry | Afrocentric Gift Shop | Kwanzaa Gift Shop |Contact Us |