To My Sisters II

When I see you, you always laugh and smile,
when inside you just want to cry
You've been hurt so many times,
and you just can't seem to figure out why
You thought to yourself,
the last guy was the one,
he just seemed so very sweet
But the more of yourself you gave to him,
the more you felt so incomplete
So now you think, that most men are dogs,
after dealing with just a few
You've place the wall around your heart,
and refuse to let anyone through
And while other men may say that's wrong,
with you I totally agree
Those other men will try to steal your heart,
but a real man would have the key
A real man won't make you fall in love,
he leaves that up to you
His only desire is to make you smile,
and express his feelings to you
He won't become upset
when you want to take it slow,
he WANTS to earn the right to be your man
When the other men think
you're being stuck up,
a real man would understand
A real man would never
ask you to make love to him,
he knows actions speak louder than words
He knows when the time is right,
you'll share your love,
if he treats you the way you deserve
See a real man is always
able to make you come,
to realize he cares for you
His only mission in life
is to please you completely,
and there's nothing he wouldn't do
Maya Angelou called you a phenomenal woman,
a reason to disagree has yet to be seen
Other men call you everything
from beautiful to bitch,
but to a real man you're simply a queen
So the next time a man walks up and smile,
and he wants to know your name
And he starts to give you
the same tired lines,
and it seems like the same old game
Tell him "they call me queen,
the phenomenal woman and
my wish should be your command"
"I'm the most incredible woman
on the face of the earth
and I don't settle
for less than a real man

Email Henry