DX Stories by Paul M. Dunphy, VE1DX

Zero Beat the DX

by Hugh Cassidy, WA6AUD

Originally published in the WCDXB, 2 September 1975

WEST COAST DX BULLETIN - Published every week by the Marin County DX Group. One of the Local QRPer came by last week, his face all smiles. "You know something" he said, "that DX Club of ours is really something. Why when I made the last meeting, everyone there knew me. And once I used to have problems getting inside the door. This time everyone knew my name. How do you like that?" The eager smile was just too much and we had to learn more. "How do you figure that everyone knows you by name?" we asked and the QRPer swelled a couple of inches. "Technique", he said. "I figure it must be technique. Don't you?" We were not ready to jump on the bandwagon so we asked a few more questions. The QRPer smile grew to all 88 keys. "The way I figure it" he said, "it was that last big DXpedition. I planned carefully and figured out a way to get through. All I did was zero-beat the station and run off a long string of 'CQs' along with my call. Figured that when the DX station stopped to listen I would be right there in front of him. What do you think of that wrinkle?" We held our breath for a bit for that idea was wrinkled a good many years ago. "Did you work the station?" we asked and the QRPer shrugged. "No, I did not get through but with great idea of mine I should have. Don't you agree?" We were hardly agreeing with anything at this point for we recalled that it had been a split frequency operation. "And you say they all knew you at the Club meeting?" we asked and the smile was still there, dazzling. "Sure did!" he replied proudly. One thing we would not like to try and tell you is how to handle one of these zero-beaters. We would like to know ourselves . . .

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