- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 1, 1968 1-68 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CARRIBEAN The island hopping DXpedition set for early May has the following tentative itinerary: Grenada, May 2-3, St. Lucia May 6, Dominica May 8, Antigua May 9, Anguilla May 10-11, American Virgin May 12, British Virgin May 13. QSL to Box 10816, Caparra Heights, San Juan, Puerto Rico 000922. A certificate will be issued to those working two of the islands on the trip ($1.00). Operations will be by KP4CSW and KP4BDU. Operations will be on 20 from 2000 to 0500 and 1000-1500 when possible. Also, operations on 15, 40 and 80 possible. CENTRAL AFRICA REPUBLIC TL8DL says he will be listening on 14250 and transmitting on 14180 the next few Saturdays and Sundays, listening for the west coast 2100Z. QSL either direct to Box 924, Bangui or to WA3CGE . . . both will produce cards. CAMEROUN TJ1AL has been appearing regularly around 21310 at 2000 hours. QSL to Box 1037, Dounala. FERNANDO PO EA0AH 21280 2300 hours with strong signal on 4.24. BRUNEI VS5RCS scheduled for May 28-31st. WA6AHF handling some of the details and looking for any assistance that any might be wishing to volunteer in the form of fiscal items . . . . . ($1.00). SAN MARINO I1DFE advises that if licenses can be obtained, San Marino operations will be carried on over weekends. Gordon did not know dates of operation but licenses are being sought. AZORES CT2AR, Walt, regularly on the YL SSB System, 14332kc. QSL to WA4WIP. JAN MAYEN AND SVALBARD On the YL system rather frequently is JW2BH on Bear Island QSL to LA5YJ. JX6RL from Jan Mayen also is a frequent check-in . . . his QSL manager is TF2WKI. BULGARIA LZ2KHZ has been showing up on 15 around 2000 hours, working right on the edge of the phone band. QSL to Box 18, Varna. Also found at times on 20 around 0300. ARMENIA UG6AW around 05000 transmitting 14195 and listening inside the band. Handle is Jirair. ASCENSION ZD8Z, Jim Neiger (W6BHY) has been on around 1600Z . . . low end of phone band. TRISTAN de CUHNA ZD9BE, Allan, and ZD9BJ, Joe, were on 14260 this week end arrangement by ZD8Z at 1530Z. May be back in a couple of weeks on week-end around 1530Z [page break] IVORY COAST TU2BA, Peter, 14240 around 0300 . . . heard going QRT at 0400. QSL to Bx 172, Abidjan. FRENCH OCEANIA FO8BH 0n 0800-0900 14215. QSL Bx 959 Papeete. EASTER ISLAND CE0AE still coming in 0200 onward on twenty if you still need this one. TAKE-A-CHANCE Albania . . . ZA1AB and ZA7F reported on the low portion of twenty c.w. QSL information for ZA1AB is YU4BJK and for ZA7F is DJ9OR. MARIN DX CLUB Lmtd 77 Coleman Dr. San Rafael, Ca. 94901 . . . . .
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