### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
      November 5, 1974                                               45-74
______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

SPRATLY  Maurice Caplan, VS5MC, indicated during the recent CQ WW Test that the 
  plans for a possible Barque Canada Reef operation there in the Spratlys is now 
  aimed at late December.  Not quite definite as yet.
  Oil exploration in the South China Sea continues to show results with the Shell Oil 
  company announcing late in October that they had brought in a producing off-shore 
  well 214 miles out of the Viet Nam coast.  While radio amateurs are interested in 
  the area solely for the testing of radio propagation conditions during a declining 
  sunspot cycle, it seems that others might be interested in any of the real estate, 
  above or below water, for other reasons.

BANGLADESH  The JA-Group of JA3KWJ, JA2PJC and JA2KLT will open from Dacca this 
  coming Friday for a week of all band operation.  These will be signing S21A, S21KP 
  and S21KK and with c.w. generally just inside the lower band edge and SSB being 
  found at the often used DX frequencies.  Full information in last week's bulletin.  
  JA0CUV and JA1MCY will operate from Dacca on November 15th and 16th before moving on 
  to the Maldives for the c.w. portion of the CQ Test at the end of November.

CHAD  Chester, W4EVG and ex-XV5AC etc., was in Mauritania signing 5T5AC recently 
  and indicated that his TT8-Chad plans are about a month or so in the future.  It 
  looks like it may be sometime in January before Chester opens from Chad, possibly 
  signing TT8AC.

JUAN FERNANDEZ  Last week WB4NCT, David Ausley, was signing `/CE0Z' from a U.S. 
  naval vessel anchored off the island of and drawing a lot of attention.  On October 
  27th he was found at 14302kc from 0300Z.  He has also been found in the 21375kc 
  area, sometimes a bit higher.
  He was using a vertical antenna and getting out a good signal to the states, often 
  working by call areas.  There are no facilities for docking large vessels at the 
  island and it was not clear whether he would be able to operate ashore for DXCC 
  counters.  Some report the operator has a thing about strong W4 signals.  The home 
  QTH for WB4NCT is Alabama.

TOKELAUS  ZM7AH was available on several bands recently and Jim indicated that he 
  will be out in the Forty/Eighty Country on Friday and Saturday evenings.  The 
  possibilities are 7080kc or thereabouts from 0700Z and 3805kc from 0800Z.  During 
  the last days of October West Coast stations were working Jim on these frequencies 
  and at these times.
  The Plan was to operate through November and secure around or shortly after 
  December 5th.  Jim was figuring last week whether the gasoline would last until he 
  was ready to secure.  He is using the partial phonetics . . . "ZM7 Alcoholic Ham."  
  QSL to W5ZF in Albuquerque.

CHATHAM  The YL-Chatham operation during the CQ Test has noted with some 
  complimentary comments and they are still there last week signing their own calls 
  after the conclusion of the DX Test.  They were due to secure Tuesday or Wednesday 
  and return to New Zealand.  There may be something developing on the thinking about 
  a Kermedec operation in January, this one being in the planning stage by the YL 
  team of ZL1BKL, Marion, and ZL1ALE, Aola.  Indications were that they had wanted to 
  see how the Chatham operation went.

                              [page break]

                                                              5 November 1974               

SUNSPOT LOUIE  There was but one spot visible when this observation was made last 
week, this spot appearing on October 25th.  This was the first significant Sunspot 
observed since October 17th and this one has changed little since its initial 
Conditions were a bit surprising during the CQ Test and there were some good 
openings into Asia and the Indian Ocean area.  XU1DX was operating with a strong 
signal and drawing a lot of attention.  Ten and Fifteen both showed surprising 
openings.  Some disturbances may show around the end of this week and these may 
continue until about mid-month.  Check the bands for there is no more quicker way 
to check conditions.  And when there is nothing else, try that Sun Dance Routine.  
Organize your local dance group.  Get together with the other squares . . . .

SHORTLY NOTED  Contests are a lot of fun and the CQ Test did produce a lot of 
activity.  This week we are trying to shake things down to a normal routine and get 
ready for the next big outing the end of the month when the c.w. action warms the 
weekend.  Those who have seen the slide show on the Kingman Reef effort may recall 
slides of the strange couple with all the dogs aboard which went on the reef at the 
entrance there at Palmyra.  This was the `IOLA' and was rather unseaworthy when 
dragged off the rocks.  Anyhow, last week the newspapers carrying the story of the 
mystery at Palmyra with the yacht SEAWATCH which departed Honolulu in July.  The 
occupants of the yacht are missing and the SEAWATCH showed up back in Honolulu with 
a new name and new paint job, the strange occupants of the IOLA apparently aboard.  
Last week Jack Wheeler, KH6CHC/KP6AL, along with an FBI agent and others flew to 
Fanning and went on to Palmyra by boat to investigate the matter.  Recent 
overflights at Palmyra had not shown any signs of activity on the island.
Most of the promised action showed during the CQ Test with some strange calls 
thrown in ....like 9J10SS to celebrate the 10th anniversary of independence for 
Zambia and was used only for the week.  TU2DO is out of the hospital and will be 
resting at home for the next month or so.  John may retire in the next month or 
two.  3A2GX, Alex, may be in Saudi Arabia for a couple of months but is not sure if 
he will operate.  He is also thinking of another 3A2-action around Christmas time.  
This goes to I1ALX.  M1C which has been showing on c.w. says to QSL to I4EAT.  
WA2YJN is QSL Manager for ZK1CL from 1 September 74.  W2AIM repeats that he is QSL 
manager for no one...and especially anyone in the Rhode Island area signing 5A8.  A 
SWL in Libya reinforces the information that no amateur operation is allowed at 
this time there....and has not since 1967.  ZD8MF is with a NASA tracking station 
there on Ascension.  VP2EY and VP2EEA QSL to W3HNK.  9J10WR to 9J-bureau. VP5CW to 
W40RT.  5A8LT is Slim Again!!
++                                                                               ++
++  HAM RADIO OUTLET  999 Howard Avenue, Burlingame, Calif. 94010 (415) 342 5757 ++
++  Now that you are in the middle of the Contest Season, it is time to head to  ++
++  HRO and check with the Big DXers.  Be Prepared when the next go-round is on  ++
++  you...                                                                       ++
++  Check with Bob Ferrero, K6AHV, or Big Joe Butler, K6CAZ, for the best in     ++
++  cash prices or top trades.  Deal with the Big Ones!  Deal Big!!!!            ++
++  Full Factory/Dealer Warranty on YAESU gear.  The FT101B always in stock.     ++
++  Check the full inventories of top amateur lines at HRO. Visit/Phone/Write!!  ++
++        Bob Ferrero K6AHV                  Joe Butler K6CAZ                    ++
++                                                                               ++

                               [page break]

                                                            5 November 74

REPORTS FROM RED EYED LOUIE   There is Sweet Music Here That Softer Falls...


CN8BO  14210/2015/Oct 25e  ZD3X   21290/2105/Oct 24e  5U7BD  14202/2130/Oct 22e
CR6OR  21263/1645/Oct 27m  ZD3T   21294/1615/Oct 24e  5V7WT  21355/1830/Oct 28e
CR6WT  21311/1850/Oct 25e  ZD7HH  28560/1825/Oct 25e  5T5AC  14208/1055/Oct 28e
CT3AF  14210/1110/Oct 22e  ZD7HH  14210/2110/Oct 20e  5Z4NH  21355/1830/Oct 28e
EA8JJ  21311/1630/Oct 27e  ZD8MF  14210/2125/Oct 29e  7Q7BW  21300/1800/Oct 22m
EA8IT  14213/1205/Oct 24e  ZE1DP  14204/1945/Oct 23w  7X2AM  14206/1225/Oct 23m
EA8IH  14214/1200/Oct 25e  ZE4JS  21351/1810/Oct 24e  7X3AB  14206/1140/Oct 24e
EA9EX  21294/1815/Oct 21e  ZS2DC  21355/1830/Oct 28e  7P8AT  14207/2320/Oct 24m
EL2JC  21304/1845/Oct 25e  ZS6KW  21317/1555/Oct 23w  9J10WR 28576/1825/Oct 25e
EL4D   14215/2320/Oct 24m  ZS1ANT 14220/0305/Oct 23w  9J10SS 14203/2010/Oct 28e
TJ1AF  21283/1925/Oct 25w  ZS5PG  14224/1245/Oct 30e  9J10WR 21355/1940/Oct 28e
TR8SS  14262/2250/Oct 24m  WB2/VQ921360/1535/Oct 22m  9G1AR  28552/1835/Oct 25e
TU2DO  14208/1110/Oct 28e  5H3FQ  21355/1730/Oct 22m  9G1Hz  21303/2000/Oct 23w


HZ1AB  14210/1400/Oct 22m# VU2BX  14217/1330/Oct 25m  4W1ED  14204/1355/Oct 25e
OD5HC  14234/1220/Oct 25e  VU2MQF 14207/1335/Oct 25e  4W1GM  21355/1825/Oct 28e
OD5IT  21280/1600/Oct 24m  VU2AIK 14210/1445/Oct 25e  4S7EA  14224/1415/Oct 25m
UL7YR  14212/1510/Oct 21e  VU2GDG 14208/1525/Oct 21e  4X4AS  14215/1615/Oct 25w
UA0FGM 14205/0115/Oct 26m  XV5AA  14320/1245/Oct 24e  4Z4IK  21351/1630/Oct 21e
UK9CAE 14218/1400/Oct 24e  XW8CO  14202/1250/Oct 22e  9M2MW  14224/1430/Oct 25m


CT1RM  14211/1705/Oct 24w  HB9AHA 14216/1825/Oct 22w  YU2CDS  14207/1755/Oct 22w
DK5EZ  14221/1735/Oct 22w  I1BLG  21255/1630/Oct 23w  YU2CDS  14207/1755/Oct 22w
EA3JE  14212/1940/Oct 23w  I6DQM  21325/1615/Oct 23w  ZB2FZ   14230/1050/Oct 21e
EA3XA  14201/1530/Oct 22w# IS0CDO 21273/1525/Oct 23m  ZB2BO   14189/1940/Oct 24m
EA6BG  14218/1450/Oct 25e  LA2PT  14235/1835/Oct 22w  3A2GX   14226/1225/Oct 25e
EI2CA  14211/1625/Oct 25w  LX1PA  14214/1345/Oct 25w  9H1DZ   21280/1420/Oct 25e
GC3EML 14214/2010/Oct 25e  ON4KL  14206/1750/Oct 22w  


CX6AM  14212/2340/Oct 24m  PJ3AT  14217/1300/Oct 25e  VP7BC   14206/2345/Oct 25m
CX5CB  28565/2110/Oct 22e  VK2APG 14238/1125/Oct 30e  VP8HA   14203/0140/Oct 24w
FO8EG  21354/1810/Oct 21e  VK6WC  14207/2320/Oct 24m# YJ8CS   21305/0100/Often
FO0RK  14210/0345/Oct 24w  VP1PW  21355/1820/Oct 28e  ZK1DA   14244/0310/Oct 25w
FY0BHI 21301/1640/Oct 28e  VP2EY  21353/1830/Oct 24e  ZL1BKL/C 14266/0615/Oct29e
HC8GI  21351/1810/Oct 24e  VP2EY  14201/1205/Oct 30e  ZM7AH   14256/0400/Often
HI8LC  28550/1835/Oct 24e  VP2EEA 21351/1810/Oct 24e  3D2DD   21310/0130/Oct 25w
KC6VE  14245/0255/Oct 25w  VP2GMB 14220/0300/Oct 25m  5W1AV   21290/1945/Oct 25w
KC4AAC 14266/0610/Oct 29e  VP2GTE 21293/1940/Oct 25w  6Y5HM   28594/2105/Oct 25e
KS6SP  14227/0255/Oct 25m  VP2VBH 14214/2340/Oct 22w  ZP5PC   21308/0000/Oct 24w
OA4KF  28606/2110/Oct 22e  VP5WW  21261/1640/Oct 27m
PZ1AP  21275/1815/Oct 22w  VP5WW  14202/1215/Oct 25e
PJ3AT  14217/1300/Oct 25e  VP5WS  14205/Oct 28w

AFRICA    CW                                           ASIA     CW
FR0BCS 14023/1630/Oct 29w  3B8DO  14051/1820/Oct 23w   JY9CR  14016/1525/Oct 29w
ZD3T   21026/2140/Oct 24e  3B8CJ  14025/1930/Oct 24m   UH8CJ  14009/1555/Oct 23w
ZD8TM  21025/2200/Oct 26w  7Q7DW  21033/1830/Oct 25e   UK0KAC 14019/1325/Oct 28e
ZS2JL  21046/1810/Oct 22m  7X4AN  21033/1820/Oct 22m

(e = eastern states  m = middle states  w = western reaches kv = virgin islands)
(all time in gmt # = longpath   ??? = Slim....always where the action is!!     )

                                  (page break)

                                                             5 November 1974


CT1DW  21048/1830/Oct 22m  I2ECV  14036/1950/Oct 22w   SQ3DG  14036/1745/Oct 23w
CT2BN  21049/2100/Oct 22m  M1C    21030/1430/Oct 25e   SQ6PAZ 14036/1615/Oct 23w
DL7LV  14036/1710/Oct 23w  OE3NBB 14042/1605/Oct 23w   UA1ACY 14032/1940/Oct 22w
EI5GC  14029/2005/Oct 23w  OH6OB  14036/1825/Oct 23w   UQ2PQ  14032/1610/Oct 21w
F0AAA  14001/1535/Oct 23w  OH7RI  14036/1955/Oct 23w   UR2NP  14041/1310/Oct 28e
G3US   14040/1840/Oct 21w  OK1US  14036/1720/Oct 23w   UK2PAD 14036/1630/Oct 23w
GD4AM  14025/1300/Oct 25e  PA0EP  14036/1730/Oct 23w   UT5IB  14036/1625/Oct 23w
HB9AYU 21034/1650/Oct 22m  PA0XSA 14036/1810/Oct 23w   YU2NFY 14035/1830/Oct 21w
HB9LJ  14049/2010/Oct 22w  PE2EVO 14014/1250/Oct 25e   9H1AQ  14020/2055/Oct 24e
IT9AF  14024/1450/Oct 27w  SM6DSW 14036/1745/Oct 23w   9H1CH  14020/1730/Oct 28w


CO2BB  21031/1835/Oct 22m  TI2WX  28045/2220/Oct 20w   YU5JQR 14038/1525/Oc 28w
CO2OM  14017/2225/Oct 22w  VK2QL  21025/2200/Oct 26w   ZK1AA  14036/1710/Oct 19w
FO8EG  21026/1830/Oct 27w  VP2MPJ 14033/2200/Oct 23e   3D2DD  21020/0150/Oct 29m
FG7AM  21041/1830/Oct 24e  VP2EY  21029/1430/Oct 25e
FP8AA  14026/2140/Oct 22e  VP2LAW 28040/2210/Oct 19w
HI8FED 21046/1810/Oct 22m  VP2MJ  21032/1620/Oct 24w
HK0BKX 14032/1220/Oct 22e  VP2MJK 14020/2030/Oct 23w
KG6SX  14037/0400/Oct 28w  VP5CW  14003/2015/Oct 23w
KV4FC  14028/1345/Oct 28e  VP5CW  21037/1830/Oct 24e


CR7CN  7003/0320/Oct 18e   TI2BEV 7031/0110/Oct 23w   G4/VP9 7010/1040/Oct 25e
FM7WH  7038/1030/Oct 24e   UL7NAF 7009/1130/Oct 28e   YU1DX  7080/1140/Oct 27e
FK8BV  7011/1040/Oct 25e   VK2AHK 7014/1150/Oct 22e   ZL1BKL/C 7084/0700/  30w
FG7AQ  7015/1050/Oct 22e   VK3FC  7006/1120/Oct 24e   ZS2JL  7015/0400/Oct 29w
FP8AA  7006/2330/Oct 22e   VP2LPB 7168/1150/Oct 16kv  ZS6SM  7023/0400/Oct 23w
FP8CR  7007/1035/Oct 23e   VP2SAG 7168/1135/Oct 16kv  8R1AG  7168/1135/Oct 16kv
FY0BHI 7170/0255/Oct 24w   VP2GMB 7171/0015/Oct 25w
HM1GP  7005/1335/Oct 18w   VP2EY  7033/0410/Oct 23w
HP1AC  7014/1155/Oct 22e   VP2EEA 7014/1045/Oct 25e
KH6CF  7009/1055/Oct 24e   VP5WS  7046/1150/Oct 28e

LU8AHW 3508/1000/Oct 20w   VP5WS  3806/0340/Oct 24w   ZL1AJL/C 3807/0800/Oct 30w
UA0FBS 3510/1325/Oct 17w   ZD3T   3790/0640/Oct 24w   Zs6DW    3780/0400/Often
VK3MR  3508/1020/Oct 20w   ZF1SV  3807/0325/Oct 25w
VS6DO  3805/1315/Oct 24w   ZL2BT  3805/0715/Oct 24w

##+     THERES LIFE AT 160 METERS....
##          Connects to your existing SSB transmitter or transceiver..
##          Needs but 5 watts drive for full output.  100watts d.c. input...
##          Covers 1.8mhz to 2.0 mhz with a 3.8mhz to 4.0 mhz input...Matches 50ohm
##          Built-in power supply.  Sensitivity better than luv. No modifications
##            needed
##          IMMEDIATE DELIVERY                                 SEND FOR BROCHURE
##           199.50 postpaid in the U.S.
##                                        DENTRON RADIO COMPANY
##                                        11591 Rabaul Ave  Dept  W
##                                        Cypress, Calif.  90630

                                       (page break)

                                                              5 November 1974

TOKELAUS             ZM7AH & Co presently active.
WALLIS               Southern California group....two weeks last part of November
BANGLADESH           JA group to open this Friday for a week.  More JAs on Nov 15th
COOKS                W6KNC scheduled to open from ZK1AA this Tuesday
SPRATLY              VS5MC indicates it may be late December....
MONACO               I1ALX planning 3A2GX again during the Christmas period.
CHAD                 Chester hoping for possible January TT8 operation...
JUAN FERNANDEZ       WA4NCT/CE0Z on vessel in the anchorage there.
RTTY DX TEST         Alexander Volta Test....December 7/8th
ARKANSAS DX MEET     December 7th....Hot Springs, Arkansas.  W5QKR for details....

ERIK   SM0AGD  Last March Erik Sjolund, SM0AGD, operated from Serrana Bank and was       
  aiming for Baja Nuevo on the same trip but things did not jell.  This was his HK0AB 
  operation.  Since that effort plus some others further south, Erik has been 
  employed back home in Sweden at a variety of assignments which has taken him to 
  several DX spots.  Last week Erik wrote on some more plans...

      After my HK0-effort in March I have not been very active..just an ordinary
      SM0.  I have been moving about so much in the last several years that I   
      have really had little chance for my own DXCC.
      I am now looking forward to the possibility of showing from some rare spot.
      In my present post with the Swedish Foreign Ministry, I have traveled abroad
      and there are some possibilities.  I have just returned home after four weeks
      in the Middle East.....without amateur radio.  However, just as a routine I
      did leave my application for a license in Iraq....  But I have had no answer
      as yet.
      My next mission may take me to West and Central Africa.  I will depart Sweden
      about November 15th and I will be taking my rig with me.  When I have finished
      my duties in various area, I will go for some hamming.  I am going to try to
      get operating permission in 3C-Guinea and TL8-Central African Republic.  I
      would like to see about a possible 3C0-Annobon operation but that is a 
      difficult transportation problem.  If I have to charter the means of getting
      to a rare spot, there will be a financial problem.
      SM3CXS probably will do my QSLs on this trip as he did when I was at CE0, VP8
      and HK0.
      I will be advising as to my operating plans....

                                                 Erik Sjolund    SM0AGD

%%   MADISON ELECTRONICS SUPPLY 1508 McKinney Ave., Houston,Tex 77002 (713)224 2668
%%                                                             Nights (713)497 5683
%%   GUARANTEED!!! The Best Deals in Amateur Radio!!!!  Ask Don,K5AAD, for Quotes 
%%                  on Any Item You Need.
%%   CDE HAM-2 ROTATOR $109.00  CD-44 $79.95  BELDEN rotor cable.....12 cents/foot
%%   NEW RAYTHEON 811As  $15.00/pair   CDE.001 mfd/10kw caps  $1.95 each
%%                               HY-GAIN DB24B    MOSLEY `Classic 33'
%%   15% OFF LIST      TOWERS    TRIEX `W' and `MW' Series........FOB California
%%                               DRAKE TR4-C and TX4-C
%%+  HEATH SB/300....filters $300.00     CLEAN Drake R4A $300.00
%%                Max W5GJ   Don K5AAD   Mary W5MBB   Dave WA5NY

                                     (page break)

ARRL  The launch date of the OSCAR 7 has been delayed.  There was a bulletin out of 
  W1AW a week or so back saying that it has been held up until October 31st or later.  
  The launch may be delayed even more and last week there were some indicators that 
  it might not be launched until about November 12.  However, keep alert as the Hero 
  of Mafeking would often advise....
  A study of shipping out the monthly copy of QST by 1st class indicated that it would 
  cost $12.00 a year extra. Air freight to Hawaii or other distant points might add 
  as much as $7.20 a year extra. While on that subject, the Marin QRPers got their 
  QST on October 30th.  The November issue....naturally.
  ARRL has asked for an extension on the RACES Docket #19723.  And the FCC has 
  extended until November 4th the date for filing on Docket 19658, on the matter of 
  Ballots are out for the election of directors in half of the ARRL Divisions..
  Directors or Vice-Directors that is.  If there is an election in yours this year, 
  make sure that your ballot gets returned.


WEST COAST DX BULLETIN  Published every week by the Marin County DX Group.  One of 
  our local QRPers came by last week, troubled and anxious.  "It's that I figure I'm 
  over the hill", this QRPer explained.  "I'm around the bend for sure.  I am sore 
  and troubled and these wounds of mine....these spiritual wounds....are grievous 
  burdens.  I suspect that I have had it".  We nodded in sympathy for we know those 
  dark watches of the night when a DXer must wrestle with his fears....that he will 
  miss one.  "And just what is the problem?", we asked.  "Have you turned fifty?  Or 
  something like that?".  The QRPer jumped to his feet and glared at us.  "I thought 
  that you!..you of all people would understand", he exclaimed.  "That you would know 
  what it is to work your 300th country and there is little left for you.  You!!..", 
  he said and away he went.  We did not call after him for we know the wounds of the 
  spirit and that dreaded 300th country sticker has felled more than one noble DXer.  
  For one must watch...and $10.50 will bring you a full year of DX Warning Signals... 
  $12.00 flights the alerts at you by airmail.  Beware the 300th Sticker!!  Worse than 
  Normans Woe!!

  77 Coleman Drive
  San Rafael,Calif. 94901

                    FIRST CLASS
                   FIRST CLASS
                  FIRST CLASS
                 FIRST CLASS
                 FIRST CLASS
                  FIRST CLASS
                   FIRST CLASS
                    FIRST CLASS

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