Darkling Dawn
Search Hatchlings Weyrlings
The end of Weyrlinghood was approaching, which meant, among other things, the greens' first mating flights. Certainly, not everyone was dreading them, and there were lots of couples flirting and hanging around greenriders.
Every time one of them approached Cadyn, A'lar made a growling sound as he glared. In the back of his mind, he heard Rduith sigh.
This is just getting silly. If you're attracted to the girl, why don't you just tell her?
A'lar ignored his dragon's advice in favor of brooding.
"Aww, we both know he's a stubborn idiot when it comes to love, Rduith. No use trying to talk him out of it," Thedan said. He had still not Impressed as of yet, but he didn't look too worried about it. He'd probably be content without bonding at all, as long as he got to hang around with A'lar and Rduith. He'd shown no interest in going back to the Hold.
I don't know why you humans make such a big deal out of mating, Rduith grumbled. Just do what you want to do and get on with your life.
"It's...a little more complicated than that, Rduith." A'lar was blushing up to his ears as his eyes automatically moved to Cadyn.
"Well, you could just have Rduith catch Cadyn's Hyacinth. That'd kinda take care of it for you, wouldn't it?" Thedan suggested, half jokingly.
I'm all for that.
"Gah," A'lar exclaimed. "I'm not talking about a dragon-induced one night stand."
Rduith snorted.
Ruin my fun.

It was late at night when A'lar fell asleep, and Rduith rose from his own dragonbed and took wing out of his weyr. He was soon joined by another dragon, a young and dainty green.
Is your rider still being as thick as mine? Hyacinth asked.
Rduith sighed.
Oh, yes, it's kind of pathetic, really. They haven't even seen what's right in front of their noses.
Well, I'm not quite complaining about that...yet, Hyacinth said as she flew closer to the blue and flicked her tail at him flirtatiously.
Rduith might have coughed.
Eh, you're not...ready to rise yet?
Hyacinth laughed.
No, but you are fun to tease.
Crazy females, Rduith grunted. No wonder A'lar doesn't want to talk to Cadyn.
Aww, we're not that bad, Hyacinth said, flipping herself and dropping down to fly under Rduith. Just wait until the flight; once we get them together, they can sort it out themselves. In the meantime...She flicked her tail again. Let's race. You're gonna have to practice hard if you want to catch me when it counts!

It was a few weeks later and tensions were soaring everywhere as more and more greens rose from the latest clutch.
You, my dear rider, are pathetic, Rduith said, not without affection.
"Yeah, yeah, you've told me that before. Just let it go, alright? I don't need you butting into me love life," his rider grumbled.
Oh, well, it looks like I won't have to for much longer, anyway.
I just heard that Hyacinth is getting ready to rise, and that's one flight I don't want to miss. Better get yourself ready, Rduith said as A'lar spluttered.
Hyacinth was in fine form as she brought down her food, hide glistening grassy green and eyes bright. Rduith was her first and foremost pursuer, but a few other blues had gathered around as well. She ignored them as she ate, but once she was finished, she roared, with one last flirtatious flick of her tail at them, and took off.
The flight was short and the winner unsurprising. As Hyacinth and Rduith twined themselves together, Rduith sent one last thought to his rider.
By the way, A'lar, me and you and Hyacinth and Cadyn are gonna have a long talk after this is over.