Darkling Dawn
Search Weyrling Adult
Through some sort of freak miracle, Acelar and Cadyn managed to completely avoid each other until the Hatching. Therefore, they had no idea that the other was standing, or even at the weyr...
Acelar smiled smugly as he stroked Castor's smooth fur. He was quite enjoying it at the weyr, it was much better here than it had ever been at home. Sure, the candidates were still required to do chores, plus extra lessons on how to take care of their dragons when they hatched, but that really was no different from his old home.
At least this way, he was free to do what he wanted, the rest of the time. And no Cadyn around, either.
Castor's ears perked as a low, droning hum penetrated the room, and Acelar looked up. Wasn't that sound supposed to mean...? The clutch was hatching!
Quickly, he told Castor to stay, and pulled on the white candidacy robe as he rushed out. He pushed his way through the growing crowds to get to the Sands.
Suddenly, he slammed into someone, and a soft, feminine voice cried out in surprise. He quickly glanced back at the person he'd knocked over, glimpsing a small, dark-haired girl glaring at him. "Sorry!" He called over his shoulder as he raced into the hatching sands.
Something about her tugged at the back of his memory, but he swiftly put it out of his mind as the eggs began to crack.

Cadyn walked into the hatching sands, rubbing her shoulder where the boy had run into her. Stupid oaf could have watched where he was going...She shook her head, joining the rest of the candidates, and concentrated instead on the rocking eggs as the first egg cracked.
A large egg rocked, hitting another egg, which cracked open. That only reminded her of the boy earlier. He'd been wearing a white robe, perhaps he was a candidate too?
She turned her attention back to the hatching as two spinning eggs slammed into each other, spilling two slightly dizzy-looking browns onto the sands. The dragons quickly Impressed, and their riders helped them off the sands as a blue dragon creeled amidst the male candidates.
A familiar boy with strawberry-blond hair rushed to the dragon's side.
Help! The little blue pleaded to his chosen.
Cadyn stared at the boy. She realized he was the one who had ran into her earlier, but that was not why she stared.
"It's alright, Rduith, they're not going to hurt you." Acelar said as he stroked the young blue's neck.
Rduith crooned.
I know, but I wanted you to come to me.
Acelar looked up, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Cadyn.  He looked back down at his dragon, and wordlessly left to get the blue dragon some food as the hatching went on.
The rest of the hatching seemed to pass in a daze for Cadyn. She'd never thought she would have met Acelar at the weyr! And how long had he been here? How could they have missed each other?
By now she had pretty much decided to give up on Acelar. She had figured that even if she did find him, he'd never like her, at least, not the same way she felt...
A soft, delicate voice in her mind brought Cadyn back to the present.
Tell them my name, Cadyn. Cadyn jumped, looking up to meet the swirling eyes of a delicate green dragon. She hadn't even noticed the green had hatched, and apparently, neither had anyone else. The green dragon cocked her head. Ridermine, tell them my name, please? I'm rather hungry...I know there's food, so don't try to fool me into thinking otherwise.
The dragon's matter-of-fact tone caused Cadyn to grin. "I wouldn't dare try to hide anything from you. You are my Hyacinth, for now and forever."
Hyacinth crooned happily, leading her new rider to the food, where Acelar-no, A'lar-would be waiting...
A'lar's Blue Rduith
Cadyn's Green Hyacinth