Hello!!  You've found my Secret Garden...all sorts of things grow and live here.. let's take a stroll and see what we can find...it's a lovely place to work with your hands or just sit and contemplate life....and maybe we can find something you can take home with you as well...

Sometimes I just sit in the grass by the fishpond and read or just watch the fish circle...sometimes I get a glimpse of the fairies who live here....

Sometimes I walk to the wishing well and make a wish....feel free to make a wish yourself...

make a wish, but do come back....

Sometimes I go to the Stables and visit my Unicorn family (I told you all sorts of things lived here).....

I hope you've enjoyed your visit here...please take the plaque home with you as my gift and do come again...(please link to:

graphic provided by: Pam's Place



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Cottage Row