Gemlights, Dimensional Guardians
The Legend

      "Becky, a pretty name for a pretty girl," Master Roshi said, moving closer.
      "Pervert," Becky said. "Listen, I came here on important business."
      "I thought you came here to eat," Duo said.
      "That too. Ya know, you're kinda cute," Becky said, giving Duo a wink.
      'Yes!! She thinks I'm cute!!' Duo thought to himself.
      "What kind of business are you here for?" Vegeta asked.
      "I am going to tell you an ancient legend, a true legend..." Becky said and told the legend...

      A long time ago, when all the dimensions were at peace, before any evil was born, there was a universe called the Crystalight Dimension. Everyone had a twin in another universe called the Pristalight Dimension. But, this peace could not last long, for in the depths of nothingness, evil had been born at last. This evil washed over the Pristalight Dimension, making it an evil empire, and not one person escaped it. We banished the Pristalight Dimension into a lonely, cut-off state. There the empire became strong and was preparing for battle. The same thing was happening in our dimension,only we would wait for the Pristalights to make the first move.

      "Fifteen ultimate warriors were being trained for the inevitable. They were divided into four groups, depending on basic elemental abilities. Each group had a leader, and rank was based on who was the best fighter. The Rubilights; Staci, Raven, and the leader, Rachel (Pronounced like Rochelle). The Opalights; Fiona, Nicole, and the leader, myself, Becky. The Onyxlights, the largest group comprised of males; Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Trunks, and the leader, the God of Death, Duo. (At this point, Duo fainted.) The Crystalights; Renee, Jeri, and the leader of the Crystalights and of the other three groups, Alicia, Princess of the Crystalight Dimension. (Duo woke up just then.) The Pristalights attacked, but the Guardian of the Crystal, the one who used to guard the powerful gem that held together our universe and was the only one who could control its infinite power, had simply disappeared. So, when the Pristalights attacked, they shattered the gem into seven gems, which destroyed all but a small portion of the Crystalight Dimension. The seven gems were 4 crystals, a ruby, an onyx and an opal. The fifteen warriors were reborn in different dimensions and planets, and when they were found, they would take up their duties as Gemlights, Dimensional Guardians. All other duties we had in our past lives we take up again." Becky said, finishing at last.

      "Excuse me, but could you repeat the last sentence, please?" Duo asked with a glint in his eye.
      Becky did as Duo asked. Duo stood up and started cheering. Even though she already knew, Becky asked Heero why Duo was cheering. "Because as the pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, his nickname for himself is the God of Death," Heero replied coolly.

      When everyone but the Gundam pilots and Becky heard this, they started backing away from Duo, as they all thought he was crazy. "I'm not taking any orders from that guy, he's insane!" Vegeta said, and then Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks all agreed with him.
      "Also, Duo," Becky said, "one minor little thing, you have a soulmate," (For those of you that don't know the significance of this, soulmates are two people that were meant to be together.) "me."

So, you like??? TELL ME!!!!! email myself and Ruby-san at PLEASE, DO NOT send flames!! And for those of you that like the story, IT WILL CONTINUE!!!!!! (It's quite long, as a matter of fact ^_^) Ja na!! Your friendly fic writer, Washu-chan.