<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/katamaran_mash/foreveryoung.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song~ Forever Young ~ Rod Stewart
Today I saw a delicate flower and what do you think I thought?
I thought of all the lovely things that into my life you've brought.
You brought me friendship when we were mere babes.
You showed me the far horizons, far beyond the glades.
You took my hand and led me through the trials of grade school_
You always seemed to abide by and never broke the rules.
I, on the other hand, was always getting you into trouble,
You'd  always work your magic and my love for you would double.
We walked through the fields and ran through the woods,
Picked berries and wild cherries and ate more than we should.
We climbed to the top of the highest trees,
We played on the sawdust piles until resin covered our knees.
Pledging our souls to God for a cool summer breeze.
Then came the day, we turned in our toys for powder and paint.
We never lacked for boyfriends and most of them were saints.
We weren't jealous of one another and never had to compete.
For we had each other and our lives were so complete.
We shared our secrets and deepest, innermost thoughts.
The brightest ray of sunshine in my life by you was wrought.
Tho we didn't realize it our greatest lessons were being taught.
Then that fateful day, by no fault of my own I was snatched away,
Taken to the other end of the country and it wouldn't change even though I pleaded and cried and boy, did I pray.
It was if there was no reason to live, my life,I felt ended that day.
Time as it will, helped us  heal and we made  a new start.
You were always in my thoughts and held close, deep in my heart.
Now that we're old and reflecting on life,
I realize it was you that got me through my darkest strife.
You're cut from the cloth of goodness, from Heaven you're on lend,
I'm thankful everyday that you are my cousin and bestest friend.
           Mary S. Hymel 
         Copyright © 2000-2001
        All Rights Reserved
Written for Judy Allen Holliday
" Together in our Hearts, we will always be, Forever Young "
~*~I love you Judy girl~*~
'A special thanks to Lady Care for the Judy Banner"
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