<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/katamaran_mash/jesusico.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
                   “ Despair “

Lord lift me from these depths
of despair,
Give me something in this life
for which to care,

Give me strength to fend off
this abuse,
Shield me mentally as thou
would a recluse.

My soul is crumbling, my body’s
getting weak,
I hear the thunder of life
The prospect of living, looks
dark and bleak.

Watch over my children and heed
their call,
Until out of this depression,
I can crawl.

They are my lifeline, my tower
of strength, my roof-tree,
Help me to always reach out for
them in my hour of need.
Let me remember, one must be
bound before one can be free.
A flower unattended will revert
to a weed.

So should my thin link with
reality be severed,
Protect them Lord, till the
Twelveth of never.

After thought;
No one asked to be born.
Why must the desperate beg
for death?
Life is a sentence one must
endure, simply because of his

                         Mary S. Hymel
                       Copyright © 1971-2000
                  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
" The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.  Isaiah 9:2"
Music~The Cyber Hymnal
Song~Out of my Bondage,Sorrow and Night