Doubting Thomas <BGSOUND SRC="Birdsandthebees.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


" Doubting Thomas "

Let the skeptics stand outside your gate,
Never too early, never too late.
The food upon your table may be a feast,
although you labored all day long..
It'll show in his face that you did it all wrong.
Nor that you troubled yourself, to say the least.

Over coffee, you make conversation light
and cheery..
Yet, you know he's thinking you are dull
and dreary.

You're getting nervous and kind of silly..
So you remark that the painting is a Van Gogh..
He gives you that look and says
"Oh, Really!"
All the while he's thinking; you don't
make that kind of dough.

So on you, "Doubting Thomases" I place
this curse;
you'll search for the best, but always
find the worst.

For no matter how true your friend,
You Thomas! will doubt him in the end.

Mary S. Hymel
Copyright (c) 1976-2000
All Rights Reserved


Song - "Birds and the Bees"