<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/katamaran_mash/itgarden.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
" An Angel In My Garden"

There's an Angel in my garden and she
watches over me,
Blessing every flower and leafing every

She sings her songs so sweetly through
the birds that come to feed_
Her smile is always present as the flowers
go to seed.

She keeps her vigil of faith,
as each friend enters the garden gate_

She coddles all the children with a
Mother's loving hand,
She works with Mother Nature as she
creates her Master Plan.

So if you enter my garden and you feel
like a special guest_
Its because my Angel has given you her
very, very best.

If you stand quietly still and listen with
your heart_
You'll hear her praying to the Heavens,
just before the coming dark.

She's been with me forever_
and where she came from no one knows,
But she stays and tends my garden as her
blessings she bestows.
Mary S. Hymel
Copyright 2000
All rights reserved