<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/katamaran_mash/storms.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
              " Midnight Mariner "

The winds blow coldly over the Amber
The ship tosses its stately bow for its
crew to save.

Secure the cargo, bring the sails down,
Wait for the morn, pray we don't drown.

The battering, the beatings, the tossing
Oh God! for the feel of the good solid

Faintly, heard from the depths, the sound of a Knocker;
Could it be Davey, preparing his Locker?

Lo and Behold! from out of the black,
there comes a faint hope, the clouds are
pushing it back-

Safely, on a steady course at last-
How soon, we forget the Hell, just passed.

                         Mary S. Hymel  10/24/ 1969
                       Copyright © 1969-2001
                       All rights reserved
                        DO NOT COPY
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