<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/katamaran_mash/friendsinlowplaces.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
              Music ~ Friends in Low Places
Stay a minute and listen as it starts slow and then gets really good!
          PAGE 3
June 25, 2000
This Beautiful  Award given to me by Dawn of Whispers_01's World,
I truly appreciate it. ***HUGS to you Dawn** I love it!!
To check out Dawn's wonderful site click below.
June 25, 2000
Received this Friendship Plaque a while back anonymously and now I have received it again, so thought I would put it on as a THANKS to all my FRIENDS.
June 26, 2000
The following three beautiful Awards were presented to me by the Dark Blue Knight. I display them proudly. This is a great honor coming from such a wonderful Poet. ***Thanks Eddie***
Click the Awards below to visit The Dark Blue Knight's homepage
June 28, 2000
This beautiful Award was presented to me by Mary Alward for my "Father" page. It is my first Inspirational Award and I am so proud of it!  **Thanks and Hugs Mary** Click award to see Mary's wonderful Site

If one Guestbook isn't working ,Please try the other one. **Smiles**
Click below to go to Mary's Mill Pond Home Page