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Song~Those Were The Days My Friend~Mary Hopkins /P. McCartney/Apple Records

My darling Ninja, Oh so black-
I'd give my soul to have you back-

You were so loving, loyal and true-
The loss of you has made me so blue.

You gave to me unconditional love and devotion.
Just thinking of you evokes total, genuine emotion.

You brought such joy to all who knew you-
All you ever wanted was true love too.
When rejected, you'd pout and be blue.

You guarded the house, the birds from the  cat and most of all you watched over me-
Wherever you are, I know you roam free-

Whether guarding God's heavenly gate,
or watching over His Angels, it had to be
your fate.

I see you running through His fields
of clover,
waiting for me when my life is over.

I was holding you in my arms when you breathed your last breath,
The hardest thing I ever had to do was to accept your death.

When your tired old heart gave out at the end,
I prayed  you'd rest in peace my faithful friend.

Someday, I know we'll be reunited again-
I'll have back the love, and my best friend.

     Mary S. Hymel
  Copyright © 1995                 All rights reserved

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Special Thanks to the O'Sullivan Family for the use of the the photo of their Dobe "Argyle"   Who is identical to my "Ninja". Could have been his clone. Since I don't have a scanner they graciously gave me permission to use Argyle's photo.
**Thank you Mike & family** Click on Argyle's photo below to visit their beautiful Doberman Home Page.
check out Argyle's page and see what Ninja looked like at different stages of his life.

Click dobe


to read the amazing story behind this webpage.

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