

I had a friend, she was so good,
She help me when no one else would.

She went the extra mile to help me out ,
She never whined nor did she pout.
To help you she'd use all of her clout.

She is loved by all from far and wide.
I hurt her deeply and wounded her pride.

I'd give the world to take it back, all
I want to do is run and hide.

I'll never learn to stop and think,
that an unthinking act can destroy a
friendship as quick as a blink.

It's the fate of my world to act in haste,
leaving in my wake a barren waste.

Will I never learn the lesson of life?
That things done without thinking can
cut like a knife.

My only hope is that one day her
forgiveness she will give.
For without her friendship and witty
personality, I don't think I can live.

Mary S. Hymel
Copyright © 2000
All Rights Reserved

This background set made and copyrighted by
Lady Care. Please do not take any of the set or the
graphic.Thank you for respecting the copyright laws.

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Music~Midi Might
Song~Earth Angel