"The Other Woman"

The "Other Woman"-A frightening phrase_
It stirs the soul and sets hearts ablaze with rage_

A whirlwind romance destined to fail;
But for that period of time when
emotions are pushed to the limits;
Its a train waiting to derail_

She gives him her all and she's bent to his will;
Little does she know she's being set up for
the kill_

She'll take stolen moments and convince
herself its a life_
Even fantasize that one day she'll be his wife.

She'll convince herself that his adoration
and love is real_
Never seeing through the fog that
he'll rob, cheat, and steal_

He'll rob her of her trust in men_
Cheats her out of a future with him
and steals her dignity and pride;
She can never win.

Without husbands that are weak willed
and spineless_
There wouldn't be an "Other Woman"
born out of kindness.

Invariably_ when caught he'll run
like a rabbit;_
His home life no matter how boring
or sexless is the life blood of Habit.

He'll throw himself mercilessly at
his wife's feet_ the whimpering fool
to which he's been reduced_
Blames it all on the "Other Woman" by
whom he was so unwillingly seduced.

For the world and the wise know
Oh! So Well!!
That the "Other Woman" is the deceitful
She Devil sent straight up from Hell!

                 Mary S.Hymel
                Copyright © 1991
               All rights reserved

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Music by~MidiMight

by ~  Patsy Cline