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Disneyed RPG FAQ... |
~Last Updated .........~
.... RPG Coming in APRIL 2007....
The Frequently Asked Questions
So you have read all the rules, have read them once, twice, thrice, even, but you still have doubts about this? Have more questions? This section is a work in progress, and will be updated as soon as more questions arise. These are the ones that have come up, so far.
((credit goes to Chaku for coming up with these. Thank you! <3))
1. Does Disney exist in their lives? Did they have Simba growing up? Peter Pan as a movie.
This is probably one of the biggest questions that will come up. Does the character know about their existence in the real world? Well? Disney verse is like a Hollywood of sorts. There were some characters that died, some that grew up, some that continued to live on and get older, blah blah. In the real world? These are merely movies. Fiction. In Disney verse? These were also fiction. The characters live around there like.... Like a Hollywood set of sorts. Like... The Disney Vault. Yes, some characters still have their powers, even if they did movies. Their powers were great to use in the movies, but no one died. And everyone is around. Hell, some might even have surprising friendships as a result.
Everyone lives there, even if in their original setting they died or they lived on or they got bigger or smaller or changed? Kind of like what Disney themselves does with their characters.
Disney Verse = Disney Hollywood of sorts. Their stories/movies = stuff they've worked on? Everyone knows each other. Some don't like each other, some do. Hell Some are still villanous, but that's because that's in their nature already. So yes, Disney Villains remain Disney Villains.
Some have seen a lot of merit in being sent to the world to live a normal life. And even more advantage at having powers that humans don't. Of course, the regulator of it all, is King Mickey. If he thinks that the character is causing too much chaos, he'll send his bounty hunters out to get her/him, and throw them back to Disney verse. *grins* Thus Chaos! Yes this means The villains will be up and plotting against, not only their Disney buddies, but against Humans. *grins more*
As far as powers go. Their powers were just a prop in the movies, but make no mistake they're still powerful beings. Still more powerful than humans.
2. The characters no matter what they do to each other, can't get hurt or reproduce?
I'll answer this one this way. Not all characters got their key at the same time. And hell there's some still waiting in the wings to get to the so called -Real World- world. If two characters decide to bang? Sorry to say it this way, or to well, reproduce. Their offspring will equal a brand new spanking Disney character. No matter what movie. Now? Keep in mind that the character will not have powers, at all. You may NOT accelerate their growth rate to have them turn 13 and have powers. Nope. You may not do that. So think about it, if you want to have Disney + Disney characters = Offspring. You will have to wait. And whatever poor soul you empregnate? You will have to do it correctly. No fast pregnancies or any of that. Normal 9 month deal. If they already happen to have a baby that happens to be a character let me know who the character would be? And how you plan on playing them without their powers. For the answer to the other question about getting hurt, see the next question...
3. Do powers, in Disney verse work the same as powers in the real human world?
They do. In Disney Verse your characters get hurt, but they live on anyway. In the real world, your character may not die a human death, maybe they could be stunned for a bit, suffer a lot of bruises, all kinds of things like that, but they won't die. They're not human. In other words? Your characters are immortal. The most fragile creatures here are real-humans. And you can bet your top dollar that there are some characters out there who do not want you to hurt these humans, and they will stop you at all costs. King Mickey is one of them. He has a group of bounty hunters (Disney characters) that do this for him. They grab characters that are misbehaving too much, and throws them back into Disney verse to serve their sentence. The chaos comes when these peculiar characters make it hard for anyone going after them to capture them, and along the way cause some collateral damage. The same happens in Disney verse, as some characters wreck all kinds of havoc and or cheat at trying to get another chance to be thrown on earth, and or do it without following the rules.
4. Now do these characters have to have the powers they had as disney characters or can they change them and//or have additonal powers?
If they didn't have powers as Disney characters, when they go back to Disney Verse they won't have whatever powers they have as humans. As humans they will have powers. and no. If they're already very powerful.
Let's say for example Jack Parr of The Incredibles. He gets to keep all those powers he has as a human and as a cartoon. Another example, if Peter Pan could fly? He could fly as a human too.
The powers they had as Disney characters remain. I'll make up my mind about whether the -extra- powers are too much. and I'll tell you to tone it down a bit, specially if the character was not -too- powerful in Disney-verse.
((even more questions...))
5. What about celebrities? Do they exist in the so called Real World? Like for example, my pb is a specific celebrity. Should they exist?
I'll leave that up to you. You might decide you like a part of your celebrity for your character, and so you might decide the celebrity does not exist. Up to you, really. I don't really care about that. We're not that focused on the real world, here. We're focused on causing trouble and making with the BOOOOOOOM! Your character might mention, bullshit from American Pop and Media culture, make fun of it, I don't know. Your characters should be the one making the media and the pop culture. That would be nice.
6. Can my character be a celebrity?
Sure! That would fine. Just let us know how big and how well known they are, so that way everyone reacts accordingly.
7. You're using places like Vegas and New York City, and etc. Erm. Do famous landmarks and or places in those specific cities, exist?
Yes they do. For example? Jafar is part owner of the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. So yes, they do exist. Central Park, The Eiifel Tower, The Great Wall Of China, yes, yes they exist.
8. If my character was dating, was family with, and or was related to this other character in their original setting. Does this mean they have to be related as humans?
That's up to you. It's not a rule. For example. It's not a rule that Aladdin should stick to Princess Jasmine, just because they were -in love- in their original setting. No. Not required. And also not required that if your character was someone's immediate family, let's say for example The Darling siblings, from Peter Pan. No they are not required to be related as humans. This applies to all characters, and it's also up to you, the player...
9. I have a very powerful character, and I don't know what to do with them....
Talk to me about that. I might have something you might be interested in terms of plot. =)
10. Do all characters know each other as humans? Is there something that sets them apart? A way in which they all know that hey? They are part of the Disney verse?
Not all characters know each other. But, there is something else, like a sixth sense that helps the characters recognize each other as Disney Verse characters. They are able to pin point each other like that, but as far as, who they are exactly? No. They can't tell right off the bat. Now? It's also up to you to decide who your character knows and who they don't.
11. How about the vortex keepers? Does everyone know who they are?
Yes. Everyone knows the vortex keepers. When your character turned 13, they were taken to Disney verse, and King Mickey explained to them, who the gate keepers were, and how they could travel from city to city, as well as told your character, what the key is used for. Yes, everyone knows the following characters, The King Of Hearts (Alice In Wonderland), Lumiere (Beauty & The Beast), King Louie (The Jungle Book), Jafar (Aladding), Rex (Toy Story), Dodger (Oliver & Company), Panchito Pistolas (The Three Amigos), & Chi-Fu (Mulan). These characters, are available for adoption, except Jafar, who is already taken by yours truly. All these characters have specific restrictions, including PB choice. If you want to take any, you must talk to me first.
12. Is there an age limit for my character?
Yes there is. Don't make your character younger than 13 years of age, unless you want to make them -powerless and very very vulnerable-... The youngest character in this RPG is actually 3 years old. But he has no powers yet, and probably won't have until he's 13. So yeah. Unless you're ok with playing a kid, and a rather powerless one at that, you're more than welcome. *grins*
13. There's adult situations! Why is there adult situations if this is Disney???
Because this is an adult, role playing community. The age limit for applicants is 17 (I still think that's too young, but I'm making exceptions for some very cool and mature, yet young, RPers who want to join my game currently).... If you're not mature enough to handle those types of situations, please don't stay here. Go to other communities. There's really nice Disney communities out there that don't have adult situations.
14. There's Mockery of the Disney verse! OMG! Why???
Because this is how this RP goes. It's funny, chaotic, and yes, somewhat a mockery of the Disney peoples. Don't take whatever we throw at you so seriously and or take it personally. Remember? This is fiction and just for kicks. None of us owns Disney, and none of us works for them, and none of us mean any harm by what we're doing here. Si? AKA- You need to have a sense of humor, as well... If not? Please don't stay. We don't want you to get pissed about something we warned you about... neh?
14. Oy! I don't like blowing stuff up! I like reality stuff! Why is there no reality stuff here???
Because this is a fantasy world. It's an RPG and if you want reality based RPGs you can find them all over the place. This one? IS NOT one of them. Please don't stay if you're gonna be a drama Queen or King. Please please please.... Lots of things around here will be nonsensical, and will baffle the living shit out of you. Plesae don't stay if this bothers you. The END....
((If I have more questions coming at me that might fit here, I'll go ahead and post them. Any question that hasn't been asked and might be good to cover will probably be posted up here.))