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Disneyed Disneyed Too
Disneyed OOC The Mod


Site © Jade
Images © Jade

The Rules...... OH NOES!


~Last Updated .........~

-General Rules-

1. First and foremost. Please read ALL THE RULES. Read them carefully. Once, twice, thrice if you must. It's crucial. Do not get ahead of yourself by reading each rule and doing what it says, without reading the next one. You might have to go back to a previous rule or something. So ....... Read them all through once. Then again, if you don't understand something. Then if you seriously cannot understand at all? Please contact us the mods (Jade/QueenOfTSAge and or ChaosTheory/WorshiptheABC). And We'll help you out.

2. Anyone running a game an RPG game, wants you to know how to RP. If you've never tried it before, you're new to it, and you would like to find out? Find out how to, first. When you have an understanding of how it goes, then you're more than welcome to return and apply for the game.

3. This game will only happen on AIM and Greatest Journal. So please get an AIM screen name, as well as a greatest journal. To get AIM you may go HERE. To get a Greatest Journal you may go HERE.

4. Make sure you have the time to RP. If you don't then please don't apply. Don't take a character then never play them. You are required to post at least once every week. A whole week includes Sunday, through Saturday, right? So yes. Once a week is the requirement, please be ready to adhere to it.

5. You're allowed to have all the characters you'd like. More than 5 will probably kill you. Unless you're one of those bad asses that can RP a million characters all at once. If you can? You must show us that you're good with all your characters, if not? We won't hesitate to take them all from you. If you choose to have just one character and one character only, that's good too. But the limit is.... There's no limit, have fun, but please, if you have many, make sure you have the time to play them all, Yes? ok.

6. RPG is not real life. This RPG is Chaotic, as well as based on fictional characters. We would prefer you keep the wangst and the real world drama to a minimum. We would also prefer a million times for you to go around blowing shit up, than just.... Playing a freakin relationship with someone. Dude? There's real life for that. You need a life, if you're gonna go off and try to live a relationship through RP. Good luck with that.

Nothing bores the shit out of us more than someone who plays little Miss and Mr everyday girl or boy. Please, if you're coming in here with that in mind? Don't... Just, don't. You're not going to like it here. We're not going to sit around letting real life, take over a fantasy world like this one. It's not fun, and it's..... boring. We're going to make every effort to turn normal life situations into crazy ass situations, that seriously would probably happen, given who your character is.

Ninjas? Yes... Pirates? Yes!.... Drama and Wangst? ...... not a lot please, unless there's a good reason for it. If you happen to overdo it? Either I(Jade) or Jamie(ChaosTheory) will personally kick your ass out of the RPG. Please and Thanks.

7. Anything we forgot in the general rules section, please let us know.

-Character Rules-

1. Only Disney ANIMATION characters are allowed here. The animated ones, the cool cartoony ones. So, NO Captain Jack Sparrow, and etc... There are resources around here you may use to find characters you'd like to apply for. Hey? there's only one good thing to not using Jack Sparrow. That means you may use Johnny Depp as the human form of someone. Have fun with that.

2. All Disney Animated characters have two identities. And by default, they all have the power of metamorphing. They are able to go from their normal cartoony self, to their human self.

The cartoony self: Example, Pinocchio is that cute wooden puppet, while Gepetto is the craftsman who created him. etc etc...

The human self: The identity they use to run around in the supposed -REAL WORLD- For example? Pinocchio might now be an Olympic athlete, and Gepetto might be working at a bar, or something. Be creative with this as well.

The Powers: More creativity. Each character has a power, when they're human. Have fun with it. An example would be. Gepetto being able to create wooden statues or whatever when he touches wood. The golden touch or something. Funky stuff like that. Have fun with this.

The Power Limits: If your character was uber powerful in their original setting, then that's something we as the mods are going to have to deal with and tough it out. We cannot expect you to not make them as powerful as they were. Also, if your character wasn't that powerful in her or his normal verse. Don't try to trick us there. We know our Disney. So pft. For example. Stitch was indestructable. Obviously his human form WILL BE indestructable. Yes, we're allowing that. That's where the chaos comes in. *grins*

Do make sure to give them limits too. They did have limits. Stitch's molecular density was too high. That eventually caused him to short circuit at some point and almost die. Point is? Even he was limited by something, and had some kind of weakness.

3. OMG!!! So does that mean I can use my favorite celebrity to portray the character as a human? Yes you may. Just make sure you don't go overboard on that one. But you know what? This is an RPG. We need to have fun. We don't give a shit if you're going to be bringing in Britney Spears or Sophia Bush. As long as you play them all cool, and their portrayal makes sense, then we're all for that. Have fun with this one.

3b. Choosing PBS!!!

Some tips on how to do so...

Ethnicity:... This is a cool one. We'll tell you why. Disney was a genius. He would take a tale, from any country and turn it into this beautifully animated motion picture. Now, as far as cartoony characters. Hell, we're all set. But how about the human versions? Ethnicity for some of them might be your life saver if you're stuck on who to get as a pb. For example, Belle from Beauty And The Beast, used to live in a French provincial town... There ya go. You've got an idea. You can look up a French actress, or someone that looks convincingly French and wallah! You've got your human pb.

Looks: That's the easiest one to go by. Looks. Someone looks a heck of a lot like Cinderella, there you go, you've got your pb.

Gender/Bender: But what if my character is a girl in Disney verse, but I have this really really cool human pb I think she looks like and it's a boy? ......... What the hell are you nuts? Actually, that's fine! Gender benders are fun! If your character happens to be either a boy or a girl in their Disney form, but you want them to be the opposite gender? Go for it. You may do that too! Imagine that? Tinkerbell as a boy!? hah!

But what if my character was an animal, or an alien, or something not human? Well? Guess what? You're in luck. Those are the ones you can have the most fun with. What would you like Stitch to look like as a human? What would Sully, look like as a human? How about Mike Wazowsky? Yeah. Fun! =D Now go get your pb!

..... wait no. Finish reading the rules first, dammit. ^^

4. The beloved Mary Sues and Gary Stus.... We do not personally hate them. Other people might. If you have a Mary Sue or Gary Stu? We don't care. Just...... Don't get mad if anyone's character is not falling madly deeply in love with them(unless, of course it was already decided between the two of you). Or if she or he are not the center of attention. Don't say we didn't warn you about that one. The END... Moving on...

5. If we forgot something else, let us know. Or if we come to realize we did, We'll eventually add it to this list.

-Gaming Rules-

1. Some people hate Powerplaying...... Here at Disneyed? You're gonna have to suck it up and not be scared of either winning big time? Or losing big time. If someone else's character is strong enough that they can kick your character's ass with the flick of a finger? Don't whine or moan. There is one rule to this though. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure that whoever you're gaming with knows what you're going to do. Do not kick their characters unless it has been decided already, between the two of you. If you're going to have a fight, talk it out with whoever you're going to write it with. Don't want people God Moding. Yes? That's all we ask.

2. You have Three places where you can post on and must friend in this Game, and that you must be a member of. The OOC community, Disneyed, and Disneyed 2.

In Detail...

Disneyed: This is the -Disney verse- posting place. There is a land where only Disney characters can interact with each other, without being afraid of others finding who they are. Others meaning humans. In this world, the character may remain human and or morph back to their normal cartoony self and talk to others, as well as meet up. This world is colorful, magical, chaotic, and nonsensical.

Disneyed 2: Enter the -REAL WORLD-. This is the posting community for narratives and logs dealing with the characters strictly in their human forms. This is where you may write interactions as humans with other characters. Yes, you're allowed to blow shit up as well, but! Since this is the real world, real world consequences will arise. AKA- if you blow up the Statue Of Liberty? The whole entire US government is going to be after your ass.

There are also major locations in this REAL WORLD where you may place your character. The major locations and the only ones allowed are, LONDON(England), PARIS(France), LAS VEGAS(Nevada), TOKYO(Japan), NEW YORK CITY(New York), SAN FRANCISCO(California), MONTERREY(Mexico), and last but not least HONG KONG(China). Your character may also choose to remain in DISNEY VERSE to serve King Mickey and be a nice chaotic, magical, nonsensical citizen of this world/city/location. Yep, that's an option as well.

Traveling to and from is not that hard. There are specific locations in each real world city that have a special vortex, where your character can choose to travel to whichever city they would like. Talk about convenient! But yeah. That? Or unless your character is rich enough to run around traveling from place to place without having to use the vortex. That's the only way to travel and change locations like your life depends on it. And yes, do keep time differences in mind. It might be a certain hour in Japan, but if your character happens to go from Japan to New York? They'll be arriving during another time of day, obviously.

Details on those vortexes and their locations can be found HERE.

The OOC Community: OOC, means Out of character. Meaning you can post whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. BUT! Do not throw drama in there ok? If you have a problem with one of the muns or something, either bring it up to us? Or talk to them on AIM in private. There's nothing more annoying than bringing up drama in the OOC community. If we see you doing that? We're gonna kick your ass out the RP, without warning. And that's that.

3. Character Journals... This question might arise. So why do I have to make a greatest Journal account and a profile and blah blah blah? First and foremost because 1? We need a profile from you. Best place to keep it in? Your Greatest Journal account. 2? We need to keep track of who's in the game, so yes, you need a journal.

Sample Bios


3b. Do I need to write in my character's journal? AKA- Does my character need to write on her or his journal? No, not necessarily, unless they like to do that. This community is mostly based on Narratives, Threads, and Logs. Journals don't really matter much. The threads at the Disneyed community, might be your way of keeping that whole Live Journal, Greatest Journal vibe going. Any Disney character can answer to your post on there. But you must make sure you let us know what you're posting.

3c. Posting Types:

-Posting at Disneyed

Threads: These are the ones where you're up to playing with someone, using the cool little icons on your character's journal. You do a whole log, by doing reply after reply after reply. Make sure all Threads look like this.

Who: Mickey Mouse, and ?
Sinopsis: What happened?
When: When it happened?
Notes: Anything extra...

(Your LJ CUT HERE... With WITTY Line Inserted...)

Visible outside the LJ cut you must have who you're opening this to.

[Open to anyone running around Disney Verse...]


Logs: This is the play you do on AIM. Make sure you finish these too. Don't post incomplete logs, and if you do, please let us know that it's incomplete and you're going to conclude it soon. We would prefer a million times that you finish it whole, instead of post it, not finished.

Who: The Little Mermaid, and Sebastian
When: Date goes here, 2007
Where: The place... Under the sea?
What: Sebastian runs into Ariel, down under the sea and they talk about what they've been doing down in the real world. Then comes one of the Sharks from Finding Nemo and starts chasing them around. Chaos ensues, etc... (or whatever... Remember, you're in Disney verse... Crazy stuff happens like nothing...)
Mentioned: Somewhere in there you mentioned another character, like maybe Ariel was thinking about Eric. His name would go here. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Notes: Whatever else you'd like to mention about the RP. Maybe there's violence? It might be Rated R? You might want to put a warning or something? Or You might want to thank whoever wrote it with you? Things like that.
Writing Credits: Writing credits will only appear if you used NPCs... And the NPC info is further down. So you need to keep reading.
First Mun's AIM screen name = NPC they wrote
Other Mun's AIM screen name = NPC they wrote...

(Here you do an LJ CUT... And insert some witty little line. Something you might have liked from the log.)


Narratives: This is your solo work. Something that you only want to write with your character. You may go full detail on these. Narratives have the same format as Threads, except they're closed. Not open to anyone.

Who: Belle
Sinopsis: What happened?
When: When it happened?
Notes: Anything extra...

(Your LJ CUT HERE... With WITTY Line Inserted...)

Visible outside the LJ cut you must have who you're opening this to.



Chatting threads. Greatest Journal type posts: This is where your character can post some funky thing. Whatever they'd like to share with the rest of the cartoonies at Disneyed. Anyone can reply to you. Hell you might be the good guy and you might have some of the bad guys responding. And yes anyone can have these at Disneyed. Remember?? It's the nonsensical place.

And there is no real format for it. Just post on the community, like the ooc community. Just keep it in Character. Please.

This particular kind of thread is only allowed at Disneyed. Not at Disneyed 2. If we see someone posting like that at Disneyed 2? We're going to delete their post. End of story.

Moving on....


-Posting at Disneyed Too

Threads: These are the ones where you're up to playing with someone, using the cool little icons on your character's journal. You do a whole log, by doing reply after reply after reply. Make sure all Threads look like this.

Who: Mickey Mouse, and ?
Sinopsis: What happened?
When: When it happened?
Notes: Anything extra...

(Your LJ CUT HERE... With WITTY Line Inserted...)

Visible outside the LJ cut you must have who you're opening this to. Also remember this is you playing your character as a human. And yes, you may post the name of the character instead of the human name, so we know exactly who we're looking at on here.

[Open to anyone running around Whatever city your character happens to be in...]


Logs: This is the play you do on AIM. Make sure you finish these too. Don't post incomplete logs, and if you do, please let us know that it's incomplete and you're going to conclude it soon. We would prefer a million times that you finish it whole, instead of post it, not finished.

Who: The Little Mermaid, and Sebastian
When: Date goes here, 2007
Where: The place... Japan?
What: Sebastian runs into Ariel, in Shibuya, and they go to a restaurant to talk about stuff. There, the sharks from Finding Nemo show up, and trouble ensues. Remember, you're in a city, as humans... Crazy stuff happens as well, but with real world consequences. And having sharks running around, doesn't mean there are sharks with feet. No it just means the human version of those shark characters, happens to know Sebastian and The Little Mermaid and they might not be friends? Up to you...
Mentioned: Somewhere in there you mentioned another character, like maybe Ariel was thinking about Eric. His name would go here. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Notes: Whatever else you'd like to mention about the RP. Maybe there's violence? It might be Rated R? You might want to put a warning or something? Or You might want to thank whoever wrote it with you? Things like that.
Writing Credits: Writing credits will only appear if you used NPCs... And the NPC info is further down. So you need to keep reading.
First Mun's AIM screen name = NPC they wrote
Other Mun's AIM screen name = NPC they wrote...

(Here you do an LJ CUT... And insert some witty little line. Something you might have liked from the log.)


Narratives: This is your solo work. Something that you only want to write with your character. You may go full detail on these. Narratives have the same format as Threads, except they're closed. Not open to anyone.

Who: Belle
Sinopsis: What happened?
When: When it happened?
Notes: Anything extra...

(Your LJ CUT HERE... With WITTY Line Inserted...)

Visible outside the LJ cut you must have who you're opening this to.



Remember! No Threads looking like Journals shall be posted at this community. If they are? They will be deleted. If you have any peculiar questions about how to post and or something else? Don't hesitate to contact me(QueenOfTSAge).

Also, always try to post the Disney name of the character. Even if they're in Disneyed Too. We would prefer to know who we're reading about, specially when they're in human form. We wouldn't know what to expect if a log read.

Who: Tracy, and John <--- Who the fuck is Tracy and John? No really?

It's easier to understand something that looks like this, instead...

Who: Cinderella, and Dopey <--- Ah.... Much better. We know who we're reading about. heh.


..... And that's pretty much it for the rules... If we feel we need to add something, we will later on. Also, if you want more pointers on how to play at Disneyed, you can always look at

The Survival Guide
Which also gives you pointers and talks about how to survive a game like this. Any other questions you may have, you may poke us on AIM, and or read...

Which might also help. If you read both of these and you still have any questions, you may ask me(QueenOfTSAge) or ChaosTheory(WorshiptheABC) on AIM. Si? Ok.
