The smallest of the two aquaculture systems but the one with the hydroponic connection this year. Note the bioball filter to the right and the garbage can biofilter in the rear. | The first sprouted plant in the system: basil. | The bioball filter. To look into equipment, check with Aquatic Ecosystems and order a catalog if you like. Good prices and the best place for things aquatic. | The garbage can biofilter. | Garbage can biofilter contains a furnace filter and bird webbing for surface area for nitrogen-processing bacteria to grow on. |
The catfish in the aquaponics system. | Midas Cichlids from other tank - brand name Fish Farm - being grown in cooperation with Appalachian Laboratory and Dr. Ken McKaye. | The fish are your buddies until they get fed. | Nets are hard on catfish. These students are moving them by hand in the data collection process. Bucket with index card contains clove anesthetic mixture. | The Fish Farm system can be ordered through Aquatic Ecosystems. |
Hydroponic tubes with some plants that were grown from cuttings (the big ones) and others being sprouted. | Closer look at the tubes. | Basil and Swedish Ivy which seems to really like the setup. |
This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.
Aquaponics builds on aquaculture and it's a great project for a wide variety of environmental points. Aquaculture should be coordinated with Maryland Sea Grant's Aquaculture in Action program to be done legally and rationally. For information, please feel free to contact me at kbaxter@allconet.org.