<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/kencyskorners/hole.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims and their families of this terrible attack, My prayers are also with all of the rescue workers who have the heart-wrenching task of looking for the survivors! God Bless You All!!

And....... God Bless America!
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owned by Nancy

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Right after 9-11 I recieved my memorial plaque for Sandra Bradshaw and wondered what she was like. I recently watched a TV program in honor of Flight 93 that went down in a field in Pennsylvania and saw my first picture of her..all I could do was cry. I recently found the above picture of Sandra and a bit of information on her..She was a true hero! My heart goes out to her family and friends and all of the victims and families who were lost that horrific day! And on this 5th Anniversary the  whole world still weeps!
                      Today I heard an eagle cry
                         As it flew high overhead
                    It cried a message to the world
                       So many innocent now dead.
                      How could this horror happen
                      Today America is under attack
                      Terrorists siezed their planes
                        In the worlds worst hijack!
            No longer stand the World Trade Towers
                        New York was so proud of
                         No longer live the people
                 That worked inside so high above
       The innocent passengers inside those planes
                           With these cowards flew
                 They knew they were about to die
                          But nothing they could do
                       Let's not forget the Pentagon
                     And the Pittsburg crash indeed,
                          These cowards in control
                      Were determined to succeed.
                            Today the eagle cried,
                  But with its powerful wings it flew
                        Across its American skies
                     With determination born anew.
                       Like the eagle or the people
                       For they shed a tear as well
               Their fight for freedom and democracy
                            Will triumph over hell.
                      God Bless the innocent people
                            That died upon this day
             God Bless their families and their friends
                     Then guide them along their way.
                         Finally, God Bless America
                      For she'll stand strong and free,
                    Because her people stand united
                        For the entire world to see!

Written by: Terry P. Barnes

"Today The Eagle Cried"
I said a prayer for you today..I hope you didn't mind.
I asked the Lord to comfort you.. and put your tears behind.
I prayed for peace and mercy too..to help you through this day
And for his loving guidance..as he leads you on your way.
You need not walk this path alone..so I prayed He'd hold your hand
And offer you some guidance..in a way you'll understand.
I asked Him for little miracles..and to bless you today
Keep searching for the Rainbows..and let Him light your way!

                          Dear God: God Bless America!
Canada also lost some victims in this horrific attack..below are the names of our fallen heroes!
Michael Arczynski
Garnet (Ace) Bailey
David Michael Barkway
Ken Basnicki
Joseph Collison
Cynthia Connolly
Aaron Dack
Christine Eagan
Michael Eagan
Albert William Elmarry
Meredith Ewart
Peter Feidelberg
Alexander Filipov
Ralph Gerhardt
Stuart Lee
Mark Ludvigsen
Bernard Mascarenhas
Colin McArthur
Michel Pelletier
Donald Robson
Ruffina (Roy) Santos
Vladimir Tomasevic
Chantal Vincelli
Debbie Williams
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