I oringally loaded this page in ...ooohhhh...around 1997 or 98, and then absolutely abandonded it.  So the pics here are a little out of date.... but it's still us and I'll try to get updated INFO in soon.  LOL  I'm still camera shy so the pics will have to do.
Here is our home inside our home.  Our own little corner of the internet.
Or at least, it's our doorway to the world at large.(LOL)
In case you couldn't guess, it's our computer station.  Notice the side by side chairs, equallity is all important to us.  Remember, we almost always are both in chat no matter who's name is showing online. (LOL) 
I know, I know, that's not the pic you came here to see. (lol)  Ok, I give up.  If you must know what we look like, don't be disappointed with what you get.
This is me, Flitterbye, better know  as  MOM to the younger generation. (lol)
This is what I really look like everyday, no fuss, no frills.
I'm told that I clean up nice but who knows??(lol)
I know this is a terrible quality pic but I avoid cameras like the plague, so until I get a better one this will have to do.
Oh, and by the way, I'm the one doing most of the work on the site. 
Here is my wonderful and loving hubby, Poltergeist_rider, or Kenny to those who know him better.
Unless of course you're a teenager then here's Father-in-Law as you know him best.
He and I share the same views on cameras, so deal with these polaroids until we find something better.

Here, at the request of certain people who shall reamin nameless, and you know very well who you are, is the one and only, as close as I get to it, sexy picture.

Pick your jaw up off the floor K.
  Yes, I really put this one one the site.

See I do clean up rather nice, if I give it five minutes effort.  (LOL)
Now that everyone  is satisfied (except me) I'm going to get on with my favorite part of this.....