Welcome to our second page of ASCII files.  This is more art work that I have managed to locate online.  To the best of my knowledge, these are not computer generated from pictures (gif , bmp, or jpg).  Although there are programs available to generate ASCII from these picture formats, I prefer the ones that are "created from scratch".

This page is created mainly as a tutorial page for the cut/copy/color and paste process used to add a new macro to an existing cheeta file.   ( It's easier for me to send people here than it is for me to try to explain in chat so often)
Here is the second file available for viewing.  This file will not copy directly to your cheeta macro file.  However on this page I entend to walk through a tutorial on how to cut copy and paste to move any text picture into the cheeta macro file so that it can be used in any of the cheeta rooms that allow the use of macros.
            Open the file and view the available pictures.  When you locate one that you want to add to your macro file, set your courser at the begining of the file..hold down the left mouse button and slide the curser to the end of the file, until the entire picture is highlighted...then RIGHT CLICK and choose copy option from the pull down menu. 

           Click the START button in the lower left corner of your screen...go to PROGRAMS  then ACCESSARIES...then NOTEPAD.  LEFT CLICK ON NOTEPAD.  This will open a blank notepad for you to use.

           Right click on the blank notepad screen and choose PASTE option from the pull down menu.   You should now see the entire picture you have selected to add to you cheeta file.   With the courser at the end of the picture, hit the enter button about three times to add a blank space between pictures for ease of use.  (repeat until the notepad holds all pictures that you wish to work with )  At this time I find it is best to save the notepad file into MY DOCUMENTS.  Just click file ...save as...name the file (something like macros in progress) ...and then save.  This way I know that the file is saved just in case something happens later, during editing.

            Open cheeta chat, and then open a private room.  This is because during the save process of editing macros, your cheeta chat will experience a short freeze, and you could miss something if you are trying to carry on a conversaton at the same time as editing your macros. 
             At the top of the cheeta toolbar you will see an icon that looks something like three squares connected by lines....click this  (It is called
Database Maintenance).  This will bring up the macro/emotion/quote edit screen.  Make sure that you are on the macro tab ( My screen opens on macro tab....but just make sure).  
              Go to your notepad and highlight/copy the macro you wish to add.  Minamize Notepad.
               Click the ADD button.  You will get yet another  box with 2 spaces for data entry.  In the top box name the macro  ( I usually add the word "test" to the end at this point so that I know that the macro in question is unedited )    Right click on the blank part of the second box and PASTE.  Now click SAVE CHANGES.   THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!    You will now experience the short freeze of cheeta while your file is added.  The length of the "freeze" will depend on the size of your macro file....the bigger the file....the longer the freeze.   Now repeat these steps for any other pictures that you have saved on your notepad.

            You are now ready to color your new macro file.
First.....Open the macro edit  box and locate the macro you wish to edit (color and cut)  click the macro name (example: dog test) and then click the EDIT button.
              This will open a small box with three important pieces fo information...
                        1) The name of the macro ... in the top box
                        2)  The size of the macro ...  in the top right hand corner
                        3)  The macro itself
Also you will see three button on the bottom .... Preview ... Save ... Cancel.  These buttons are very important for the editing process. 

The PREVIEW button allows you to preview the macro before saving.  It will allow you to have a general idea of what your macro will look like when you are finished.

The SAVE button will save your work.

The CANCEL button will close the box without saving any changes newly made since the last save.

Second....This is the hardest part for me....You have to decide what colors you want to use in your picture.  A list of the most common colors can be found in a drop down menu accessed by clicking on the artist's pallette icon at the top of the macro box below the macro name.  All that is involved here is to place the appropriate color code in front of the keystrokes that need to be that color.  Each line needs to be colored individually, even if the entire macro is to be one color.

The most commonly used colors are Black, Blue, Aqua, Grey, Green, Pink, Hot Pink, Orange, Red, and Tan.  However there are a few other colors that can be created and used.  If you choose to use these colors you will need to be aware of the keystokes and colors that you are going to be creating.   I'm sure that there are other colors available besides the ones that I have listed...but since I don't know them....I can't teach them.  Below I have a color chart with all the colors and their keystrokes as well as an approximation of the color that will show in the chat room.

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                Cutting the macro is not complicated, but it is very time consuming.  When you have the macro colored the way you want it, copy the entire macro and paste is onto your "macros in progress" file.   Take note of the size of the finished file.  In order for the macro to "shoot" in chat, it cannot be of a file size larger than 512, but if colored then it must be even smaller...the more colors used the smaller the file size allowed.   I usually cut my macros to where each part is around the 400 level.

                 1)  Count the number of lines in your macro
                 2)  Divide 400 ( or whatever number you choose)  into the total file size
                 3)  Then divide that number into the total lines in the macro

FOR EXAMPLE:   my total file size is 1800  and my macro is 20 lines long
                                  400 goes into 1800 just over 4 times  so call it 5 parts to be safe
                                  20 lines divided by 5 parts = 4 lines per part

Once you have figured out how many lines go into each part,  just count off that many lines (in this case 4) put the courser at the end of the last line ( in this example the 4th), and hit enter a few times to separate the parts of the macro.   All that is left to do is to copy each part back into your cheeta file under a unique name.  Usually you need to pick a single name for the entire  macro and just number the parts.  (Big Dog 1, Big Dog 2, etc) 

                 There are just a few more things you need to know....
   1)  Make sure that you type the name of the macro the same for each part and that even spaces are the same.  Otherwise you will not have the parts listed in order in your list.
(Big Dog 1, Big Dog 2, will not be followed by BigDog3)

  2)  When numbering your parts,  the sequence is numbered by the first digit.   This can be very confusing if you are working with very large macros over 9 parts. 
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, is not followed by 10   In cheeta 10 would come after 1 and before 2.
    If you have more than nine parts then you need to number starting 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 etc. or some other 2 digit numbering system that makes sense to you.

3)  After You have all parts copied and saved to your cheeta file, you need to try the macro out in the chat room.  Occasionally the first line of each part will need to be edited back one space at the begining.  Or you may need to move a color one keystroke over.  This fine tuning of your macros is an ongoing thing, because what looks good to you today may not next month.   I have some macros in my file tha refuse to stay fixed.   I swear there's an evil macro elf who goes in and edits my file when I'm at work (that's the only time at my house that no one's on the computer)
You have now completed your new macro and are ready to try another!!!!

If you are still having trouble, email me or look for one of us in chat ( He's in yahoo chat rooms most of the time, and I spend more time in the Cheeta rooms)

I'm always willing to at least try to help anyone who is having trouble, and I check both my email, and cheeta forums daily for messages.....So feel free to contact me  with any problem you might have.
Basically the same process is used to copy a macro from chat.  Just open a notepad and copy from the chat screen.  Sometimes in a fast room it helps to pause the screen before trying to copy.  To pause the screen just right click on a blank place in the chat room and you will get a box with several choices, one of which is to pause screen.  Click on pause screen, highlight  and copy your macro, paste it to notepad, edit out the other user's name, color,cut and paste it into your cheeta file.
****JUst make sure that you go back and unpause the chat screen*****