NOTE: This page does not include any Hovind quotes regarding Evolution Theory


The electromagnetic spectrum contains all the different wavelengths.  Radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, radar, sonar, including a small piece in the middle called light. [Emphasis added, italics original]

Source: http://www.algonet.se/~tourtel/hovind_seminar/seminar_part2.html [December 2003]


Here we have a critical calculation that is based upon an assumption that an organism which lived thousands of years previous, of which there are no modern species to compare, developed a specific level of Carbon [sic] 14 from an environment we know nothing about.  If for example, the presumption is inaccurate by only 10%, considering that it is the rate of decay that forms the mathematical constant, the inaccuracy of the calculation of age at the upper limit would be tens of thousands of years. [Original emphasis]

Written by William B. Tripp, PhD, D.Th 18 March 2002.  Hosted by Kent Hovind

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=10 [December 2003]


Some bacteria today seem to cause problems.  And same thing with viruses, they cause problems.  But it may only be to the weaker individuals.  When somebody gets a cold, if a virus is really causing this, why doesn't everybody get the cold?

Source: Truth Radio 27 July 2003 @ 23:00


Dr. Hovind taught high school science for 15 years and with his extensive studies on the topics, He [sic] explains fallacies and fatal errors in many of modern explanations for the origin of life, the origin of time, space, and matter and also the "extinction" of Dinosaurs  [sic] . [.....] With over 80 debates in his past, Dr. Hovind is no stranger to explaining things on many different levels. Taking Ph.D level information and explaining it in a way that any lay person can understand, Kent captivates his audience with Humor, [sic] intelligence, and information, but mostly Truth.

Source: Truth Radio Description http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=truthradio [December 2003]


Ice can survive just fine right up against water, it does it all the time in Antarctica and the Artic Ocean.  These huge blocks of ice called blue icebergs float around for five years. You could drag a giant iceberg down to off the coast of Sahara Desert on the Equator and it would take years to melt.

Source: Truth Radio 23 July 2003 @ 30:55


The evolutionists have just really hyperactive imagination, I think they need Ritalin or something.  But they are able to imagine all sorts of things, you know, the Earth has slowly cooled down.  You do have to wonder why there would be an ice age if we are still cooling down, then global warming. 

Source: Truth Radio 23 July 2003 @ 29:00


Listener's letter: [.....]  It is said the Sun is a burning ball of gas, in other words fire.  What is the one thing that fire needs to burn?  Oxygen.  How come that stars continue to burn if they have no oxygen to keep them burning?  [.....]


Hovind:  Excellent question, Andres.  I'm sorry but I don't know that I have a positive answer. [....] As far as the oxygen required,  I'll have to pass on that one too and do some more study on that one.  I don't know that I could prove one way or the other.  I think there are different types of burning though - some do not require oxygen.  Sorry about that, Andres.  I'll have to do some research and check back with you on that one.

Source: Truth Radio 5 August 2003 @ 37:50

Sheep really aren't too bright and they absolutely require somebody to watch over them.  They have a very low survival rate in the wild - they must be tended as you mentioned.  It's a serious problem [for evolution] and you are right onto something there. 

Source: Truth Radio 29 August 2003 @ 34:35


I think it would be difficult to prove that vaccines have cured any diseases.  I think you will find that cleaning up sanitation laws, inspection of cattle and stuff like that, getting rid of diseased creatures and diseased crops is really what has done the job.  Now there may be a coincidence they happened at the same time.  Like when they started, you know, vaccinating for one thing and at the same time had better sanitation laws and inspections.  It may look like the vaccine cured the disease when actually something else cured the disease.

Source: Truth Radio 27 October 2003 @ 48:35


We see a red shift from quite a few of the stars.  That is interpreted to be the star is moving away.  It may be true, I don't know.  It could be the star is moving sideways.  I don't think you can tell the angle of the stars movement - or even if the star is moving from the red shift.  

Source: Truth Radio 4 November 2003 @ 36:00


[Regarding Chaos Theory]  To me there is an enormous amount of chaos in the world because everything is heading towards chaos, that is the Second Law of Thermodynamics.  If they think chaos ultimately brings order then they have been reading too much Karl Marx - that's his idea.   I don't think chaos brings anything but more chaos - things fall apart.  As far as Chaos Theory that there are pockets of order within the chaos ..... like a swirling water in a river raging down a mountain.  But just because we perceive it as order doesn't actually mean it actually is.  The molecules are still very random. 

Source: Truth Radio 4 November 2003 @ 34:05


There have been human skeletons found in so called Cambrian rock.

Moab Man strikes again

Source: Debate 06 -  Winona State University (early '90s)  @0:44:50 [August 2003] 


Another problem is, if you are going to use red shift, for instance, as an example of telling the distance to a star.  Because we see the light, the red in the spectrum, shifted away from the other colors, does not prove it travelled great distances or that the star is great distance away. [emphasis added]

Source: Debate 9 - Hovind v Bartelt @ 1:13:10


Sometimes .... people say you are not qualified to talk about a certain subject and then they will use the ad hominem argument "You can not discuss this because you have not been trained".  Well, Columbus had no training and yet he proved the world was round.

Source: Debate 5 - Hovind v Hilpman @ 0:01:35


There is much empirical data that conclusively proves vaccinations can be harmful, and in many cases fatal, and should therefore be avoided. [.....]  There is also a book available through CSE which provides in-depth information concerning the dangers of vaccinations and how they destroy our God-given immune system. 

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=80 [July 2003]


I say, you guys have to get two cells to evolve from the [primordial] soup - of the opposite sex, in the same place, at the same time.  It's a big world, you know, cells are kind of small - they've got to find each other.

Source: Part 1---The Age of the Earth Video @ 0:57:45 [June 2003]


Probably, after the Flood, the Tower of Babel took place.  God put them into different language groups.  They spread out.  Those that spoke French went one way.  Those that spoke German went a different way.  Those that spoke Spanish went a different way.

Source: Part 7---Question and Answer Session Video  @ 2:08:35 [June 2003]


We today put, for instance, a whale and a dolphin in the mammal family but the Bible may consider that a fish.  After all, it does live in the water and I don't know that it is or it isn't.  But if the Bible does consider a whale in the fish kind that would not mean the Bible is wrong that would mean our current way of dividing animals up is different to the Bible's way of dividing animals up, that's all. 

Source: Dr. Kent Hovind vs. Dr. William Moore, September 24, 1998 Wayne State University, Detroit sourced from http://www.creationists.org/debates.html [June 2003] @ 1:52:35


Once upon a time, billions of years ago, there was nothing. Suddenly, magically, the nothing exploded into something. That something is called hydrogen. Can you say "hydrogen?" I knew you could. This hydrogen eventually cooled down enough to condense into solid rock.

Source: The Tale of Magic Rock Apes http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=71 [May 2003]


To claim that cyanide is always poisonous is simply not logical. […..] The cyanide found in fruit seeds is good for you.  I eat apricot seeds all the time and have never had a problem.

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=44 [April 2003]


Today Sirius is a white dwarf.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/video/rm/ces1.rm @ 1:06:50 [March 2003]


Did you know there is no evidence for [the Big Bang] at all? 

Source http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/age1.mp3 @12:20 [January 2003]


The ancient horse is not a horse at all; its a hyrax.  Still alive today in South America.  The size of a fox.  Its a meat eating animal. 
Source: Hovind v Moore Debate (early 90's) @ 1:21:30

The ancient horse is a Hyracotherium, which was originally called the hyrax, is still alive today in Turkey and in East Africa.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 94:15 [March 2003]


[All] Dinosaurs have four perfectly good legs and birds have two legs and two wings. So if he’s going to turn into a bird his front legs are going to have to turn into wings [….] Somewhere along the line they’re going to be half leg and half wing.  Which means now he can’t walk anymore and can’t fly yet.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 101:20 [March 2003]


Did you know it would take a minimum of a hundred years of Cray computer time, that’s the largest computer in the world, to simulate what would take place in the eye every second?

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 53:50 [March 2003]


[…..] a change of only three [DNA] nucleotides is fatal to an animal.  There is no possibility of change.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/books2.mp3 @ 82:10 [March 2003]


Hey, did you know the word 'universe' comes from two Latin words? Uni means single and verse means a spoken sentence.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/age1.mp3 @17.10 [January 2003]


If you took the water out of the oceans you would notice there is dirt underneath.  These continents are not lily pads floating around in a bath tub, folks. They are connected.  The Earth has a solid crust to it.

Source: http://media.drdino.com/sem/audio/mp3/theory1.mp3 @7:15 [January 2003]


Dinosaurs were nothing more than giant lizards in the Garden of Eden.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 2 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind2.htm [no longer available]


Dinosaurs were just big reptiles that lived with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  You can buy these at the pet store right now; it has got three horns on his face, what would he look like at about 10 tons?  Some kind of triceratops?
Source: Seminar Transcript circa 1999 [no longer available]


[.....] I have an IQ of about 160, I taught science for about fifteen years [.....]
Source: http://www.uwf.edu/tprewitt/rebuttal1.htm


Those who have been in the [Noah’s] Ark, and many have been in the last couple hundred years ….

Source: Hovind v Farrell Till Debate @ 82:30 September 1993  http://www.sermonaudio.com/ [March 2003]


Did you know 200 Americans died in the Gulf War?  26,000 died afterwards of Gulf War Syndrome from the vaccines they were given.
Hovind scaring parents against immunization.
Source: http://www.cbbc.net/RS/ 6 Jan 2002 Session #3


Did you know during the Gulf War, less than 300 Americans died in battle?  There have been 30,000 that have died since then of Gulf War illness.
Note the variation to the previous quote. Only 148 American soldiers were killed in combat during the Gulf War (source)
Source: Kent Hovind, circa 1999, Online Seminar 5B II Db at [no longer available]


Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children's immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two.
Hovind quoting from a testimonial as part of his warning about the evils of immunization.
Source: http://www.cbbc.net/RS/ 6 Jan 2002 Session #3 @ 18:00


Of course the Devil is laughing at folks for believing it [Big Bang etc.].  But hey, it works, it sends 'em to Hell, so he'll use it.
Source: http://www.khouse.org/misslerreport/biblestudy/20001113-189.html 13 Nov. 2000


In 1271 A.D. Marco Polo came back from China and reported that the Emperor of China was raising dragons to pull his chariots in parades.  Now why on earth would Marco Polo say something like that just 700 years ago?  Well, I think he probably said that because the Emperor of China was raising dragons to pull his chariots in parades.
Source: http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/_PDFArchives/science/SC1W0700.pdf


Einstein's theory was that the speed of light is a constant.  Time is the variable.  Maybe he was wrong.  Maybe time is the constant and light is the variable.
Source: http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/_PDFArchives/science/SC3W0601.pdf


If you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights?  Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light.  Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


If they [black holes] exist, of course, you can not say that the speed of light [.....] is always constant, because it can be attracted by gravity.  It can be slowed down, obviously, you can stop it, assuming its attracted by gravity and assuming there are black holes.
Source: Kent Hovind, circa 1999,  Creation Seminar Online Part 7 Q3b at [no longer available]


I speak in public schools all the time.  I get in lots of public schools and teach Young Earth Creationism.  I teach on dinosaurs.  I say, "Kids, dinosaurs have always lived with man.  They did not live millions of years ago.  People called them dragons and they killed them for years.  For centuries they were killed by man."
Source: http://www.johnankerberg.org/Articles/science/SC1101W1.htm


Teaching the pagan religion of evolutionism is a waste of valuable class time and textbook space.  It is also one of the reasons American kids don't test as well in science as kids in other parts of the world.
Foreign students must have a natural immunity.
Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=6 [April 2003]


I cannot prove my theory to anyone -- it is just a theory.  I will provide a model as food for thought and then you decide whether you think it is feasible.
Said by a man who “taught high school science for 15 years.”  This may be a reason for the falling American student science test scores mentioned in the previous quote.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 5 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind5.htm [no longer available]


See, the Sun puts off a lot of stuff besides light.  It puts off X rays, gamma rays, beta rays - and all them ray boys come down here and they're pretty hard on your carcass.  How many have ever had an X ray before? [....] Long-term exposure to X rays is dangerous but here we are getting X rayed every day of our life.  And your poor skin feels the full force of the X rays. [....] After about 70 or 80 years, your skin begins to lose the battle and it can't keep up with the damage being caused.  And your skin begins to wrinkle up. [....]  Well, if you don't want to get wrinkled [....] carry a lead or concrete umbrella over your head at all times - don't ever get exposed to X rays.
"The Earth's atmosphere is thick enough that virtually no X-rays are able to penetrate from outer space all the way to the Earth's surface.  This is good for us but also bad for astronomy ..." (NASA)
Source: Kent Hovind, circa 1999, Creation Seminar Online Part 2 VI F5 at [no longer available]


There is not an ozone problem that man has created.  [.....]  Man has done almost nothing to the ozone.  In fact, my understanding is that the last time scientists measured the ozone layer, it was thicker than it was the first time they measured it.
Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=33 [2002]


I have heard that the cable TV system is going to be set up where not only can you watch the TV, the TV can watch you to monitor what is in your room.  Kinda like Orwell's 1984.  Big Brother is watching, course in our case it will be Big Sister [Ma Bell?]  [.....]  I'd suspect the technology is here where the TV can watch you, even if you have it shut off, your TV can watch you to see what is going on.
Source: http://www.lanset.com/crknudson/hovind.htm Questions About Creation - Part 2 @ 18:30 [accessed March 2002]


If evolution is true, you could not know that it's true because your brain is nothing but chemicals.  Think about that.
Source: Seminar Transcript circa 1999 [no longer available]


The entire theory of evolution is built upon the faulty assumption that the origin of the universe was "billions of years ago"
Source http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=12 [March 2002]


Earn College Credit for Creation 101!  On February 24, 2000, I began teaching a course on Creation Science through the Bible institute at our church. [....]  We are videotaping the live classroom sessions for the course, Creation Science 101.  The course is open to all, and college credit is available for those interested in taking the course for credit.  Several major Christian colleges have indicated they will accept the credit should anyone wish to transfer the credit toward a degree.
Source: The Once-in-Awhile Newsletter, March 2000, accessed at [September 2001]


The shapes of these continents [Africa and South America] is a pure coincidence based upon the water level.
Source: Hovind/Pigliucci Debate www.infidelguy.com [May 2002]


If there was a canopy of water above the atmosphere when God first made it, Adam and Eve may have seen the stars more clearly than we do today.
Source:  Q&A Session I @ 29:10 (mp3 format) http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=mp3


And, yes, life is made of ninety two basic elements .....
Source: Hovind/Pigliucci Debate www.infidelguy.com [May 2002]


There may still be water above the stars- see Psalm 148:4, but it appears that the layer above our atmosphere fell down at the time of the flood.  

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=41 [Dec 2002]


If Christ alone is holding the electron together from flying apart at the seams, no physical law known or unknown to man is going to hold it together.

See also Big Daddy

Source: Written by James Sundquist. Hosted by Kent Hovind http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=articles&specific=45 [Dec 2002]


Modern man could not build the great pyramid [sic] today.  BTW the great pyramid [sic] does not have to be post flood.  It could be a structure that went through the [Biblical] flood.

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=31 [December 2002]


It is also worth considering weather plants and insects are considered “alive” in the Biblical sense.  The two requirements seem to be breath of life and blood.  It may be that they are just a complex self replicating food source.

Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=31 [December 2002]


I did not even know what being a humanist meant.  I was only sixteen, and the brain doesn't even start developing until about twenty.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


I believe the Great Pyramid was built to be the Bible in stone.  The Egyptians did not build it.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


The Sphinx is the face of a woman with the body of a lion, symbolizing how the zodiac begins with Virgo the virgin, and ends with Leo the lion.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


When God first made the world, there was not a genetic load.  Therefore, they married sisters in the first generation, and in the second generation, they married cousins.  After that, they were diversified enough to be no problem.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Suppose that you were able to travel at the speed of thought instead of the speed of light.  You could take off somewhere, turn around, and look at your own past.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Suppose when we get to heaven God [.....] gives you an eyeball that is capable of seeing all the frequencies on the [electromagnetic] spectrum.  That means that you would be able to see the radio waves going through the air as a color.  Also, you would be able to see the sounds that come from a piano.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Some people say that demons came in human form and cohabited with women and begat half demon and half human, and their offspring were men of renown; people that were able to great things.  They were supposed to have had wings on their feet, and to be able to fly.  This is where the Greek mythology originated, which may not be too far fetched.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Some people think that he [Cain] became a giant.  That is a very real possibility, but we don't know for sure.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


There has been research that indicates nearly all homosexuals come from families that have a weak father figure, and a dominate [sic] mother.  I believe that research shows that there is a social link where the children are raised to be wimps or whatever.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Is it true that a chromosome has been found that proves that homosexuals are born with the inability to choose their life style? [.....] I do not buy the so-called chromosome link, and I believe that research has been shown to be erroneous.  There never was a chromosome link. [Emphasis added]
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Therefore, there may not be any other stars in the solar system that have planets around them.
[Emphasis added]
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


The Pogue carburetor was designed back in the 1930's, and it allowed a vehicle to get well over two hundred miles per gallon on any vehicle.
Kent Hovind tries to pass off an urban legend as science.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Jesus grew up under Roman rule, and he didn't go around blowing up Roman tanks and burning down bridges.
The Romans must have used the Centurion tank after bringing gun powder from China 1,200 years ahead of schedule.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind4.htm [no longer available]


As far as cloning goes, it is defiantly [sic] not being done, and probably would be an impossibility.
Said circa 1996
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


God made the stars in order to be a light upon the earth.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.   http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


I believe that the zodiac is the gospel in the stars.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind6.htm [no longer available]


Three heavens in the Bible, first heaven where the birds fly, second heaven where the stars are, third heaven where God lives.  We are going there one of these days!  We are going to hear the angel blow the trumpet!  Blast off out of here, take a bite off of the Milky Way on the way by and head for the third heaven.  It is going to be awesome!
Source: Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 1b from [no longer available]


Obviously, several different colors of people exist on the earth that have distinctive characteristics, but they are the same race. [.....]  One theory says that Adam and Eve were medium-brown, possibly because they were made from the earth.
Source: http://www.drdino.com/cse.asp?pg=faq&specific=17 [2002]


Water or ice, it might have been ice because ice at low temperatures becomes magnetic and you can actually suspend it in the magnetic field of the earth.  It is called the Mysner [sic] Effect.
Source:  Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 1b from [no longer available]


You know back in the old days when they had to bake bread fresh everyday because it would go bad, nobody had heart attacks.  You were more likely to get run over by an aardvark than you were to die of a heart attack.  But somebody discovered [.....] what is making the bread go bad, was the Vitamin E and the Lecithin.  So they took those out of the bread and made white bread and now the bread lasts a long time.  The people do not, but the bread does!  Get more profits!  There is a simple formula, kids, the whiter the bread, the quicker you are dead.  If it will not go bad in a few days, there is probably nothing in it to go bad which means there is nothing in it that is good for you.  Bread strengthens man's heart - used to.
Source:  Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 1b from [no longer available]


I think cancer is a deficiency disease, it is a lack of Vitamin B17, and some of you are going to die of cancer and you are going to get to heaven early and you are going to say, God, I prayed, why did you not heal me?
Source:  Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 1b from [no longer available]


See, God has got plans for His kids.  He is going to fix it back like it used to be; you are going to be able to have your own pet dinosaur for 1000 years, fixed back like it used to be.
Source:  Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 1b from [no longer available]


Secondly, man was hunting them [dinosaurs].  Back in those days they called them dragons.  They killed the dragons for meat.  There would be a lot of hamburger in one brachiosaurus.  You could feed the village for a while, right?  Or because they were a menace, or just to be a hero; “I slew the dragon.”
Source: Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 3a from [no longer available]


You say, “Brother Hovind, you don't believe in fire breathing dragons do you?”  Yeah, you better watch video tape number three; there really were fire breathing dragons.
Source: Hovind 1999 Seminar Transcript 3a from [no longer available]


Some of the Desert Storm pilot were microchipped so they could be tracked via satellite.  The railroad uses this microchip technology on their box cars.  This is part of the Global Positioning System or GPS as it is called.  They have put up the last of the GPS satellites, and every square inch of world is now covered.  If you have a GPS chip, they can find you with a satellite, within a few feet.  A friend of mine, who worked at the railroad yard, gave me a plate that was mounted to the side of a box car.  He said, "Brother Hovind, you might want to scratch a few of the lines off because if you are carrying this in your suitcase while traveling on Delta or US Air, the satellites will track it as if a box car is going 500 mph."
Hovind clearly does not understand GPS or the technologies that utilize it.  See GE Harris Railway Electronics and How GPS Works
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind4.htm [no longer available]


The globalist, the Council of the Committee of Three Hundred, has as one of their goals to reduce the world population from six billion to one-half billion people. There are too many people here that cannot be controlled; so get rid of them. That's why AIDS was purposefully developed in a Maryland laboratory to wipe out population.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 4 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996. http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind4.htm [no longer available]


They banned DDT, not because it was necessarily bad, but because it was a great way to help the population control [by banning it].
Source: Kent Hovind, circa 1999, Online Seminar 5B II Db at [no longer available]


Mammoths do not have any sweat glands. They were not designed for cold climates.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 5 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996 .http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind5.htm [no longer available]


Before the flood, there was no cold climates in the world.  It was seventy-five degrees from pole-to-pole.  The temperature was perfect everywhere.
Source: Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 5 - a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons circa 1996.  http://home1.gte.net/dmadh/hovind5.htm [no longer available]