Select Bibliography


Abdo, L., Female Representations of the Holy Spirit in Baha’i and Christian Writings and Their Implications for Gender Roles, Baha’i Studies Review, Vol. 4.1, 1994

Aland, K., Karavidopoulos, J., Martini, C., Metzger, B., Novum Testamentum Graece, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart, 1898 & 1993

The Analytical Greek Lexicon, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1976

Berry, G. R., The Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament, Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1974

Brown, F., Driver, S.R., Briggs, C.A., The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon, Hendrickson Publishing, MA, 2000

Bullinger, E.W., A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, Reprint, London, Samuael Bagster & Sons Limited, 1974

Bullinger, E.W., How to Enjoy the Bible, Reprint, London, Samuel Bagster & Sons Limited, 1980

Bullinger, E.W., The Witness of the Stars, 1893 Reprint, Grand Rapids, Kregel, 1976

Davidson, B., The Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, Hendrickson Publishers, MA, 1981

Edersheim, A., The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1980

Ehrman, B.D., The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture, London, The Oxford University Press, 1996

Eisler, R., The Enigma of the Fourth Gospel, London, Metheun, 1938

Fischer, G.C., The Origins of Written Language, A Biblical Thesis, GCF Publishing, Clarksburg, WV, 2001

Freeman, J.M., Manners and Customs of the Bible, Plainfield, Logos International, 1972

Grace, J. and Pierce, S. K., The God of Nehemiah: A Theological and Spiritual Formation Guide, Englewood, Altar Calling, 1994

Grimal, P., The Civilization of Rome, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1963

Hanson, J.W., Biblical Proofs of Universal Salvation, Universalist’s Publishing House, Boston, 1888

Knoch, A. E., Concordant Greek Text, Concordant Publishing Concern, Canyon Country, CA, 1931, 1975

Knoch, A. E., Eternal Torment or Universal Reconciliation, Santa Clarita, Concordant Publishing Concern

Machen, J. G., New Testament Greek, Toronto, The Macmillan Company, 1923

Magiera, J.M., Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation, LWM Publications, San Diego, CA, Review 2005 & 2006

Nessle, J., A True HiStar-y, (Audio Tape), Christian Family Fellowship, Tipp City, OH, 12/10/2000

Oxford-Carpenter, R., Gender and the Trinity, Theology Today, Vol. 41 no.1, April, 1984

Pagels, E., The Gnostic Gospels, New York, Random House, 1979

Pillai, K.C., Orientalisms of the Bible, Fairborn, Mor-Mac Publishing Co., Inc., 1974

Rubenstein, R.E., When Jesus Became God: The Epic Fight over Christ’s Divinity in the Last Days of Rome, New York, Harcourt Brace, 1999

Seiss, J.A., The Gospel of the Stars, (1882 Reprint) Kregel Publishing, Grand Rapids MI 1972

Strong, J., The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible, Nashville, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990

The Holy Bible, KJV, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN 1982

Wadsworth, R.S. & Stockemer, D.G., A Voice Crying in the Heavens, Oregon City, Biblical Astronomy, 1997

Waite, C.B., History of the Christian Religion to the Year Two Hundred, Chicago, C.V. Waite & Co., 1881

Whitcomb, J.C., & Morris, H.M., The Genesis Flood, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., NJ, 1961

Wierwille, V.P., Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed, American Christian Press, OH 1982

Wierwille, V.P., Jesus Christ Our Passover, American Christian Press, OH 1980

G. Zuntz, The Text of the Epistles: A Disquisition upon the Corpus Paulinum, The British Academy, 1953