

II Peter 1:16: For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. KJV



Louw Nida Lexicon

Fables: muthos,  mu/qoj, ou m: a legendary story or account, normally about supernatural beings, events, or cultural heroes, and in the NT always with an unfavorable connotation - 'legend, myth, tale, story, 

Lidell-Scotts Classical Greek Lexicon

cunningly devised:  sophizo - become or be clever or skilled in a thing, to be scientific, speculate, to use fraud for an end, craftily devised, play subtle tricks, deal subtly,


Fables regarding the saints(gods) in ancient cultures include:


The Greek Titians

The Egyptian line of Pharaohs

The Chinese Forbidden City for the sons of God

The Persians’ Ten Thousand Immortals

The Vikings’ belief that the gods came from heaven in the form of men on auroras


