The Sufferings and Glory

The Bookends of this Present Age

By Steve Santini



There is a period of transition from man’s day or the time of the Gentiles into the millennial kingdom or paradise. Unfortunately, most charismatic and evangelical Christians have been led astray by the book of Revelation to believe that this time period is seven years. (See Revelation) Actually, according to Jesus, Peter, Paul, David and Old Testament prophets this time period out of which the faithful church is saved lasts for forty years that includes in finality of the “acceptable year” as preached by Isaiah and Jesus.


First one needs to understand that a generation in Eastern culture lasted forty years. It is written in Hebrews 3:9,10.


When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. Wherefore I was grieved with that generation,…


Forty is also considered as a period of trial or testing of faith. Jesus was in the wilderness for forty days and nights being tempted of the devil. Moses spent forty years with his father in law and wife as a shepherd in the deserts of Midian before being sent to lead the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt.


Along these lines of a generation being forty years there is a verse that has drawn the attention of many Christians. It is in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. In each instance, the context reveals that Jesus is speaking of future events. It reads in Luke 21:32 as such:


Verily, I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled.


Luke, who had spent considerable time with the apostle Paul, writes that Jesus first spoke of the eventual destruction of Jerusalem forty year hence and then the fulfillment of the times of the Gentiles before he spoke of “this generation” in which all is to be fulfilled. It is in this verse according to the former context that Jesus is speaking of another time period of a generation of forty years in which all things would be fulfilled. The book of Hebrews 4:7, 8, written most likely by the apostle Paul bears this out. In the former context of Paul’s writing about the generation in the wilderness he writes about the fact that Jesus spoke of another day or period of time. This statement of another day is also in the immediate context of a day, or time period, as it could be translated, that was limited in David. David reigned in Israel for forty years.


Historically, there were about forty years from the time of Jesus until the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Legions in 70 AD. It was at the end of this early forty year period that the first century church anticipated the return of Jesus.


It is clear that the community of Jesus followers expected his return within a generation (40 years?), so the decade of the 70's CE must have brought on a real crisis. (“Dead Messiah’s Who Don’t Return,” Oral Comments of Prof. James Tabor Delivered at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, 1997)

It is said by the apostle Paul that near the end of his life within the same time period of the destruction of Jerusalem that almost all had turned away from his message of the mystery of Godliness. This is borne out by the statements of current textual critics. They say that the later writing of those termed as church fathers hardly mentions Paul and that when they do, it is as ill prepared schoolboys.

So what one can see from this is a forty-year period of time when the message of Jesus through himself, Peter and Paul struggled for a fulfilling foothold for forty years. One can also see from Jesus’ statements, according to Hebrews, another day or time period.


With this in mind some areas of scripture gain new light. In I Corinthians 10 after Paul first writes of the forty years of Israel’s wanderings he then writes of the ends of the world coming upon the Corinthians. There are two Greek words that are translated as world in the New Testament. One is the Greek word cosmos and the other is the Greek word aoin. Cosmos is always translated world and means an entire universe, while aion is translated at times as world and at other times, properly, as age. Aion or age means a period of time within a universe or cosmos. This world or cosmos has a beginning and an end. This is why Jesus Christ is called the alpha and omega. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last letter. An age or aion which exists within a cosmos also has a beginning and an end. If, on a piece of paper, we draw a straight line, which represents the duration of an age, and then take both ends of the line, which like the alpha and omega are one in Jesus Christ, and then move the ends uniformly together, we would have a circle or cycle. With this concept in mind we can begin to understand Paul when he wrote to the Corinthians.


Now all these things happened unto them (Israel) for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world (aion-age) are come. I Corinthians 10:11


What, then, are between these two ends of the age. It is as Jesus spoke as recorded in Luke chapter, twenty-one.  He prophesied that after the destruction of Jerusalem would come the “times of the Gentiles.”


Peter writes of these two ends of the age of the Gentiles in his first epistle.


Searching what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand of the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. I Peter 1:11


James also writes of two time periods.


Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early rain and the latter rain.


In Israel, the early rain fell in the autumn to soften the ground for planting and the latter rain fell in the spring to bring the crop to maturity.


In light of these scriptural documentations regarding the two time periods and documentations for forty years each, it would behoove one to consider secular and ancient history sources regarding a forty year time period to end this age.


The great influx of Christian converts to Islam, which took place in the end of the first and the beginning of the second century of the Hijra, naturally brought Christian popular ideas with it. These converts did not entirely change their spirit by changing the name of their religion. It has been even asserted that it was they who brought into Islam the spirit of partisanship and bigotry to which they themselves had been so long accustomed. Of that it would be unfair to lay the whole or even the main blame upon them. Islam in the beginning was tolerant in a sense. So long as the Christians submitted and paid the tribute they were not very much molested, and even enjoyed a considerable amount of liberty. But that was because the Omayyad Caliphs and Governors were not so much religious leaders as worldly rulers. As the religious system took deeper hold, Islam would probably of itself have developed a stricter spirit. But these Christian converts must have brought with them much that belonged to their former faith. The collections of Moslem Traditions contain many stories and sayings which are evidently of Biblical and Christian origin. It was natural that the early Moslems should show keen interest in the Bible, and their discussions with Christians would help to make them familiar with the contents of Scripture. Still, I think it was by way of popular importation that much of the Christian material in the Traditions came.”

In Islamic writings and tradition there are references to a forty-year time period to end this age.

The Dajjal is a false prophet bringing a false religion" "his Paradise will be Hell, and his Hell, Paradise". He will work certain miracles, "producing or withholding rain", and other things of that nature; and will deceive, if not the very elect, at any rate many professing Moslems. In one tradition it is said that "the Jews will follow him, and perish in his overthrow". His reign will last for forty years,

Jesus will appear according to one version at the white minaret on the east of (the mosque of) Damascus; according to another at Jerusalem. He will pursue the Dajjal, and overtaking him at the gate of Ludd or Lydda, will slay him. (Richard Bell, M.A., B.D. The Gunning Lectures, Edinburgh University, 1925)

As Joel wrote of select generation or forty-years of spiritual beings so to do the ancient writings of Egypt and the apocalyptical writings of the Jewish Essenes.

"I will not tell of this birth; I must not, mighty Horus, reveal the origin of thy race, lest men should in the future know the generation of the Gods." (Isis to her son Horus, from Stobaeus, The Sacred Book or, in other words, the Egyptian Book of the Dead)

Col B19: From the day of the gathering in of the Teacher of the Community until the end of all the men of war who deserted to the Liar, there shall pass about forty years. (Manuscript B, Dead Sea Scrolls)

The Bible provides other verses documenting this transitory time period of entrance. The prophet Micah writes of the transition into the kingdom of God in Micah 7:15.

According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt (forty years) will I shew unto him marvelous things.

David, in Psalms 102: 15-18, writes, in one of several places, of a singular generation to come.

So the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer. This is written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord.

When one goes to the celestial for confirmation of the bookends for this age one can see the lesser flock of Ursa Minor separated by Draco from the greater flock of Ursa Major. Ursa Major represents the future flock, as Jesus said during the time period in which he ministered concerning another flock to come,

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. John 10:16

The word other in this verse is the Greek word allos which means another of greater quality and/or quantity. It is to this second flock in a generation in which all things will be fulfilled that Peter wrote of the glorying of Christ in contrast to the former sufferings. It is to this future generation of forty years that Peter wrote to those as a “chosen generation.”

As the sufferings of Christ covered a relatively short period of time of forty years so to will the glories of Christ. Paul wrote of this latter "bookend" period of time as a short work of righteousness in the book Romans. He goes on to quote Isaiah, writing that had not a seed been preserved, the time period would be as the day of Sodom and Gomorha. This latter time period of forty years will be one of wrath directed towards unbelief yet one of glory directed to those of belief. It is this coming transition of forty years to end this age that must be persevered by the faithful in Christ Jesus in regenerative faith and in hope of glory on a pathway into Christ’s future rest of paradise.

As those with the spirit of Christ searched for the length of time between these two periods of time beginning and ending man’s day, so too should consideration be given to the place of this second forty year time period.




A Time Line for the Second Heaven and Earth





Ministry and

Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Pentecost


Destruction of Jerusalem

Deaths of Peter and Paul



of the Saints

Luke 17:26-37

John 1:51

2. Out pouring and energizing of the gift from the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:17-21



The Dead in Christ

Raised by the Lord himself


Just & Unjust


& Judged

Paradise for the Just; Perdition for the Unjust



 All men past and then present changed for the third heaven and earth

(I Tim. 4:10)









The Holy Spirit and the Revelation of Jesus Christ;

Lesser Flock


Faithful in Christ Jesus become regenerated by faith with the work of the Holy Spirit and the Ministration of the Saints:


Greater Flock


Joint Priesthood of Saints and faithful in Christ Jesus unto the resurrected just and their forthcoming progeny;

(age-long destruction for the unjust)


About 4000 Years

Old Testament


40 Years

About 2000 Years

Man’s Day

Times of the Gentiles


40 Years

The Day of the Lord

Day of Darkness (Joel 2)

Faithful saved out of wrath

Manifested Saints & the faithful in

Christ Jesus become united as the one body of Christ

1000 Years





Third Heaven and Earth




The Conclusion of “A Journey Unto Revelations’ End”

The End and A New Beginning For Man

The Spiritual Paradigm (New 9/05)


Considerations on the Spuriousness of the Book of Revelation

Reader Comments

Contents Page

Copyright, Steve  Santini, 2003