Choose Spiritual Life

Summary Consideration

by Steve Santini

April 2005

Most are familiar with the chapter and its verse. In Paul’s eighth chapter of his letter to the Romans, he writes that the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes one free from the law of sin and death. Life in its visible forms emanates from the union of masculine and feminine, therefore the spirit, or unseen, in this case, is in the reproductive union of masculine and feminine. As a confirmation of the truth from this verse, the word Christ emphasizes the masculine spirit and the word Jesus the feminine generation and nurture of living soul. Until one acknowledges and eventually understands the love and power within spiritual masculine and feminine the only choices are law, in any of its many forms, or instablity. Law can be just and good yet it does not engender spiritual life.

Paul’s gospel, as he states, is to fulfill the logos of God. The word fulfill is the Greek word pleroo. Of the 571 usages of 19 words whose definition includes “impregnate” from the Classical Greek writers, including those of the scriptures, pleroo occupies the position 406 times. It was Paul’s gospel that brought to life all or “impregnates” all of the previous accounting or record keeping (logos) of scripture.

Thus, regarding these masculine and feminine symbols, in the record of Jesus Christ asking the woman at the well for a drink in correlation to heavenly signs from the gospel of John: According to Francis Rolleston’s, The Mazzaroth, the early Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the sign of Libra as that of a woman giving a young lion a drink of water and a stream of water flowing from the young lion. The young lion is one of three animal symbols characterizing the saints or those spiritual masculine with the spirit of Christ. The other two animal symbols for the saints, according to the scope of scripture and Ezekiel’s vision, are the bull and the eagle or hawk. These three, in the order given, correspond to the signs of Leo, the lion, Taurus, the bull and sign of Joseph, and Canis Major where the star Sirius, the hawk, resides.

This symbol of Libra evolved and was morphed into the symbol of the Egyptian goddess Maat as the balance for weighing the hearts of the deceased against the weight of a feather. The Romans further changed the sign into a woman holding the scales called “justice”. Now it is the symbol of the legal system, the psychological retainer from and resister of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus thereby contrary to Libra’s original symbolic intent.

(For the considerate Bible reader Egypt has meaning. The modern origins of both Assyria and Egypt date most closely, of all the ancient cultures, to the epoch commencing after the Noahatic Flood. As such they carried forward some of the pre deluge beliefs of Noah, a preacher of righteousness, who lived for 350 years after the flood. Each civilization, in their origins, had primary deity combined in masculine and feminine interaction. Matthew writes that it was out of Egypt that the Son of God was called. It is in Egypt that Isaiah foretold that one day there would be a pillar unto the Lord. If it is to be the great pyramid, the confirmation of masculine and feminine is evident. This pyramid contains a king’s chamber just above a queen’s chamber. Each are joined into a central hallway that exits the pyramid.

 The primary goddess Maat of Egypt was the representation of worldly order with an emphasis on morals, ethics and justice. Maat sometimes was depicted as a mound or raised earthen platform. One symbol of the Pharaoh, who was considered as a masculine god, was of him seated on the platform representing Maat – ie the head and the feet; the throne and the footstool; the pillar and the ground; the building and the foundation; heaven and earth; revelation and wisdom. Many times, royal proclamations were issued in the name of Maat. It was believed that when a Pharaoh died that the world went into chaos until another Pharaoh took the throne upon the foundation of Maat.

It interesting, in this regard of masculine and feminine of applicable Egyptian symbols, that morals and ethics are the foundation of community and society and these type of issues come from the feminine centers of the brain and are most readily taught by mothers to the formative souls of their young children, whether male or female.)

In spiritual light of these things the ekklesia (feminine) collectively and individually has always been assessed and awarded in accordance to nurturing and then upholding the spiritually masculine saints and their message. Isaiah, who occasionally revealed the saints and their role, prophesied to the ten northern tribes before and when they were being scattered and lost. Ezekiel, who makes the issue quit clear in his obedience to that given to him, definitively prophesied of the saints to Judah and the remnants of Benjamin before they were taken captive to Babylon. God told him to go into Jerusalem and roast barley cakes with human dung. Later he allowed him to use cow dung. Of course, today, the act of a man roasting barley over dung in the town hall or county courthouse square would be meaningless and considered the insane act of a person. Biblically, though, barley represents the saints while wheat represents the feminine faithful and dung represents the refuse from which spiritual life has been taken. So, considering that wheat bread was a main staple in eastern diets, for those with eyes to see, the act had deep meaning.

Ezekiel’s introductory vision of the four-faced winged creatures was a vision of the saints. The stick with the depiction of Ephraim and Joseph was that of the saints while the stick to be combined with that of Joseph and Ephraim depicting Judah and Israel was that of the feminine faithful in Christ Jesus. Ezekiel 37:16

It was Nehemiah and Ezra that understood and heeded the words of Daniel and Ezekiel and, as a result, they were given the task of trying to get it correct for the remaining and returning church by rebuilding physically and spiritually the broken down Jerusalem. As such Nehemiah and Ezra were the “people of the saints” or faithful in Christ Jesus that Daniel wrote about.

To remain in the blessing category for a moment; the Pharaoh who entrusted the saint, Joseph, with his dream and his kingdom prospered well above all other nations at that time.

On the other hand - Noah, a saint, preached of the masculine and feminine. It was by his preaching that the world, that was then, was judged. Cain was judged an outcast because he slew the first saint, Abel. Nebuchadnezzar was given the heart of a beast for a while because he did not regard the message of Daniel to rule without pride and have mercy on the poor. Nebuchadnezzar’s son died because he used the gold vessels from the captured Hebrew temple items for a feast for his thousands of lords. The gold of the temple represents the saints while the silver represents the faithful to Christ within Jesus and within the saints.

(In this regard, it seems interesting that the eastern door to the temple area, to which it is said that Jesus Christ will one day return, was of Corinthian Bronze, a unique combination of gold, silver, and copper. It has been written that this alloy was the most beautiful of all metals. When the sun rose in the eastern sky over the Mount of Olives the responsive refection off the door was in warm hued light as no other.)

Elijah justifiably beheaded the prophets of Baal because they had turned the people away from Elijah and his message and the intent of God. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD and the ekklesia scattered because they rejected Paul’s follow up message. It was the apostle Paul’s gospel that made understandable to all of hunger and thirst, by the words (rhema) of Christ, the subtle yet powerful intermittent cord of the divine mystery through previous scripture, then current scripture and unto the reality of life beyond. The church today is still scattered without an understanding of Christ and in captivity and chaos because of the rejection of Christ, Paul’s gospel of such and the role of the saints.

Peter wrote that judgment is to begin at the house of God. Paul wrote that the secrets of men are to be judged by Jesus Christ according to my (Paul’s) gospel. It is the coming of the manifested saints, like Paul and other thousands, that initiates judgment and deliverance for the living church with a view towards things beyond. This glorious appearance of the saints is the realization of hope’s first step for which the apostle Paul prays that the church would understand.

Ephesians 1

15: Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,

16: Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

17: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

18: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

19: And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,

20: Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

21: Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

22: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,

23: Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.




Copyright, Steve Santini, 2005


The Apostle Paul's Great Mystery of Christ Revealed

The Spiritually Masculine Saints and the Spiritually Feminine Faithful in Christ Jesus in Union


Some Scriptural Examples of Faithful and Saints Relating


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