(Excerpted from the manuscript, A Journey Unto Revelation’s End, by Steve Santini)




The “No People” of Romans Ten

A Glimpse Through the Veil


I have complained to the Father on many occasions over the last years because there is no living apostle Paul to clarify some points that I do not yet fully understand. We have the powerful framework of his message in scripture yet little of the expanded explanations that he taught and preached over the span of several decades. Nor do we have a truly errorless original manuscript of Paul’s letters. Fortunately, we have the present texts that when repeatedly subjected to comparative analysis by Greek grammars through the variant present copies that give one further details in the scope of the mystery. Then, as time moves on and the spirit leads, these details do come into focus.


Much ado has been and is being made about current Israel. There are those who look forward to the rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem as an indicator of the restitution of a people around whom future apocalyptic events will revolve. There are those who trace their heritage back to one of the ten lost tribes of northern Israel in hopes of gaining special favor in things to come. At one time this may have been justified since Israel was once set aside as a nation or heritage to whom the Messiah would first come. Yet, since Israel as a nation, en totem, rejected the Messiah and his apostles whom he sent to follow up on his first coming, today the Israel of God, of whom the apostle Paul writes, is composed of whomsoever believes.


This misdirected focus on and favor towards an Israel of the flesh rather than an Israel composed of faithful souls has diverted hungering believers away from those, around whom, their past, present and future truly revolve. This presentation lifts the veil revealing those who have been, are and will be the integral catalyst for the restitution of all things. These are, with Jesus Christ as the high priest, the higher powers to come - the priests after the order of Melchesidec.




 Administrational callings began in two differing yet predestined converging realms. There are the feminine soul seed of this earth and the masculine spirit seed that comes from before and above this heaven and earth. Both those of the feminine genetic line from the beginning of this heaven and earth, who do believe, and those of the spiritual seed sown from the preexistent and encompassing universe beyond the sphere of this heaven and earth, are predestinated to become unified in order to further accomplish the purpose of all ages.


 After the failure of Adam and Eve to believe, Israel, through Abraham’s belief, was set apart to be the first fruits of resurrection for pure feminine seed. That is why they are addressed as a bride or daughters throughout the scriptures. Israel, though, as bloodline, failed also by seeking that which was prepared for them through works of the flesh. Most all of them stumbled on the stumbling stone of faith. In the middle of the millennia preceding the first coming of Jesus Christ most of Israel was broken off from the root of salvation’s ordered plan. First, because of Israel’s unbelief, the Assyrians defeated the ten northern tribes and sent them beyond the remotest borders of the Assyrian empire where their bloodline eventually became dispersed. These today are called the ten lost tribes of Israel. Then Babylon captured the two southern tribes and carried them into their subsequent empire where eventually many intermarried with the Babylonians. Some of those captured by the Babylonians from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were allowed to return with some Levites in order to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem in preparation for the coming Messiah. (Could it have been that Judah was preserved to bring forth the credentialed Messiah and, similarly, Benjamin to bring forth the identifiable Hebrew, Paul?) Through these dispersions and intermarriages with Gentiles the vast majority of Israel’s bloodline has been dissipated. Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles to establish that salvation would come to all as a result of belief without a regard for genetics and to provoke then remaining Israel to emulation.  So, now, in the primary sense, genetics is unimportant. Faith is the criteria for individual salvation as it was with Abraham. 


   As said, Israel is addressed as the daughters of Abraham. The gospel of Matthew, which was written first to the Jews, gives, with significance, Jesus bloodline through Mary’s genealogy from Abraham. (In Matthew chapter one verse sixteen the Greek word, aner, can and should be translated father to fulfill the scriptural requirement of fourteen generations from the carrying away to Babylon until Christ.) Here in Matthew, Jesus is revealed as the ultimate seed of the woman. Jesus was made a little lower than the angels in that he took on the seed or soul of Abraham through Mary’s bloodline. The Greek word for seed here is sperma. When the entomology of this word is examined, it is found to have been also used by the Greeks in another form as a name for a mythical feminine goddess who could change any grain into wheat. To God, in reality and as a figure, quality of blood, or soul-life, and heritage were determined by matriarchy. Both Abraham and Isaac showed great concern and expended great effort to insure that their sons married within the extended family.


Here, Romans chapter ten becomes most interesting.  In verse nineteen Paul speaks of the “no people”.


But I say, Did not Israel know? first Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. Romans 10:19, 20


  These “no people” are not the same ones who in Romans chapter nine verse twenty-five were once not his people but now are his people. Those identified in this verse as now his people and “her” beloved are the feminine faithful in Christ Jesus from both Jew and Gentile. “Her,” here, is the Holy Spirit. “Her beloved” are the feminine souls, as daughters of Abraham, betrothed, as future daughters in law, to be united to the sons of the Father and his spouse, the Holy Spirit.


The “no people” also are not the same as the ones rejected by being called “not my people” in chapter nine verse twenty-six. To be called “not my people” indicates that they were a people but became not the Lord’s people. These “not my people” in verse twenty-six are all those of Israel who rejected the prophets, Jesus, Peter and Paul. Paul also uses differing Greek words for people in each of these three records. Who then are these “no people” of Romans chapter ten?  


 In the prior context of chapter ten we can gain an idea of who the “no people” are. They are sent as Christ was sent. Moses and Isaiah who are quoted here are two of them. They preach the rhema of Christ, as the text reads, in addition to and in variation to the logos of God. Their words have gone out to the ends of the inhabitable earth. These “no people” do not ask or seek for the knowledge of Christ, as these types of prophets to Israel have declared of themselves, but are caught, sometimes disturbingly, off-guard with the revelation and fashioned by God through grace. The adjective phrase, “by a foolish nation” following “no people” gives another important defining characteristic. The word foolish is the Greek word asunetos. Asunetos is a compound word. It begins with the Greek particle of negation, a, and ends with the word sunetos. Sunetos is translated understanding most often in the New Testament. In secular Greek writings it was used of the confluence of branches or tributaries into a continuously flowing river. From this adjective, it can be said that these “no people” do not preach an understanding that is a branch into the mainstream of this earth’s singular pattern of salvation’s belief. (In the end, it will be found that this earthly river of belief and the heavenly river from before the foundations of the world do join as one in destination for the ultimate divine purpose.) This adjective may also be a reiterative indicator of the fact that there is no continuous genetic marker for these “no people” to flow in the stream of bloodline.


 Although Christ became the man, Jesus, by taking on the bloodline of Abraham and David through the seed of Mary, he was well aware that he as Jesus was also above or before genetic lineage. He said to the Pharisees, “Before Abraham was, I am.” He also said when praying to the Father, “…thou lovest me before the foundation of the world.”


 In Genesis chapter three two seeds are made known.  One is the seed of the woman and the other is the seed of the serpent. Yet, nature itself and simple reasoning teach that there is a third seed. Luke, who was with Paul during most of Paul’s later ministry, wrote of this third seed. In chapter eight of his gospel, Luke recorded a rendition of the parable of the sower that is spoken with differing words at a different time and place, and to a differing group than the similar parable recorded both in Matthew and Mark. In verse five of chapter eight Luke states, “A sower went out to sow his seed:” The Greek word for seed in this verse is not the more often used Greek word sperma that is used in the similar records in Matthew and Mark. It is the Greek word spora and it is identified as being masculine by this parable’s unique use of the possessive personal pronoun, his. This third seed is the spirit of Christ hidden in God from before the foundation of the world and hidden within the ages until first fully revealed by Jesus Christ unto the apostle Paul.


 In his first letter, Peter later wrote of those in whom the Spirit of Christ was placed as those who had previously seen both the sufferings and glories of Christ. Although Peter was writing to Israel about some of their prophets, these just or righteous spirits of Christ were not and are not dispersed just at selected points along the bloodline of Abraham. This spirit of Christ has been and is sent from beyond the present heaven and earth into individual souls without a regard for genetic heritage. These masculine spora have been and are scattered among all the peoples of the earth to speak an appropriately timed and particular rhema of Christ. This was and is done so that all men may eventually be, through this grace, drawn together into the understanding and the union of life emanating from the cross of Christ. (Unfortunately, like with Paul, it seems their message was taken over and corrupted by those seeking to use it to build their own kingdoms leaving only a rudimentary and corrupted belief in a savior, blood, an underworld, resurrection and, possibly, the power of the combined paternal and maternal. This preaching of the rhema of Christ unto the end of the world is why tribes in the remotest parts of world, when first encountering explorers, many times, thought they were saviors or returning saviors, or possessed the knowledge of salvation. It may also be the reason some explorers were viewed a threats to tribal power and were killed out right.)


 So, I say that this spirit of Christ or spora has been and is sown among men regardless of genetic tribal lines and without a regard for the individual’s belief although it does eventually result in belief within the individual’s heart when it lands in the good soil of an honest heart. It may or may not result in belief among others who hear them. In the case of Paul and his preaching, it did result in belief, especially, at one time, in the church of Ephesus. In this epistle he addresses both the masculine saints and the feminine faithful in Christ Jesus. In his message he delineates between the two by using the differing pronouns you and we. He then unites them in chapter five when he speaks of the marriage relationship both practically and spiritually. He ends this section on marriage in chapter five by writing, “ however I speak of Christ and the church.”


 His preaching also resulted in unbelief among most of his Hebrew brethren. Many times it results only in unbelief among most others, as it was with the righteous preaching of many prophets of old. Even if others do not believe it accomplishes the Father’s purposes. As the case with Israel, many times these “no people’s” words were recorded as lessons for posterity. Also, as a result of the rejection of these “no people”, God has a basis for judgment of unbelief.  It is written that in preparing the ark, Noah, a preacher of righteousness, condemned the world. It was Israel’s final rejection of Jesus Christ through Paul’s revelation that resulted in the destruction of the Jewish nation in their war against Rome in 71 AD.


 All of those of this type, who were recorded in scripture, are clarified examples of what has occurred in varying degrees and manners among all peoples throughout all history. The warlord who founded China’s last imperial dynasty based his “forbidden city”, with its man-made hill capped by a monument, as a dwelling place for the sons of heaven, on the vision of an obscure monk. During the transition from the Sumerian culture to the enlarged Assyrian Empire the primary deities became personified as a man and a woman holding hands. The Assyrians even had a select group of warriors named the “Ten Thousand Immortals” who were fashioned after spiritual truths passed on to them. The Mayans ultimate religious ceremony included blood letting by both the king and queen atop a pyramidal structure. This type of ceremony was based a prophesy of an ancient one to whom many of the New World’s tribes traced their origins.


 Much more can be said of this world’s most enduring culture as a result of records left in stone. The Egyptians believed that deities founded the original dynasty of their culture. These gods were originally represented by the personification of both male and female. When the statues of Pharaohs are observed we notice that their wives are of equal height and stature. According to the hieroglyphic record, there were times when women ruled Egypt. The most telling stone record of the root of their culture is within the Great Pyramid. It contains a king’s chamber, which is joined by an expansive descending “hall of lights” to a horizontal pathway proceeding from a lower queen’s chamber.


 There is also a subterranean chamber beneath the pyramid connected by pathway that gradually ascends to also meet the descending pathway at a even lower point.  In the regard of spiritual masculine and feminine what could be the meaning of these three chambers and pathways? Bennet Schiff, in his article, Out of Egypt, in the September 1999 issue of Smithsonian, may give us a clue. He writes the following: “The Egyptians believed that rebirth could be achieved through three primary avenues, writes Audran Labrousse, director of the French archeological mission at Saqqara. By one, the deceased reaches the underground world of the dead. By another, the dead rises at night and joins the stars that circle the pole. And by the last path, the solar one, the dead is reborn every morning and accompanies the sun in his ship across the sky.” Isaiah writes of an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt. (Isaiah 19:19)  Could the Great Pyramid with its three chambers and pathways of rebirth be symbolically representative of the three avenues of salvation for all humankind? As such, could this enduring pyramid with its four polygonal facets meeting at a yet absent apexial capstone be that altar written of by Isaiah? (Isaiah 19:19) And could it have been prophetically built according to the words of the “no people” who were then the “deities” who founded the enduring dynasties of Egypt? If so, then the prophesy, “Out of Egypt have I called my Son,” could be said to have been fulfilled both literally and spiritually. (Matthew 2:15)


 These “no people” who have preached the rhema of Christ in cultures throughout the world are the election of grace, the masculine spora, the righteous spirits of Christ made complete by coming to and joining with individually generated feminine soul. They are the saints sown, from the hand of the Father before the foundations of this world, into this present inhabitable earth. In Hebrews, chapter eleven, Paul writes of one of the patterns for the union of the masculine saints and the feminine faithful in Christ Jesus.


By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. Hebrews 11:20


 Before the birth of the twins, Jacob and Esau, Rebecca was told that she had two different types of people in her womb. The record is a familiar one. Jacob was Rebecca’s beloved. Essau was his father’s favorite as the firstborn. Essau sold his birthright to Jacob for bowl of pottage. Then Jacob, with the assistance of Rebecca, stole Isaac’s blessing from the firstborn, Esau. What may not be familiar is the fundament difference between Isaac’s blessing upon Jacob and that upon Esau. Jacob was blessed with the “the dew of heaven and the fatness of the earth”.  Esau’s blessing included his “dwelling in the fatness of the earth and of the dew of heaven above” or above heaven. (Genesis 27:28, 27:39) Afterwards, for fear of Esau’s anger and according to the desires of his father Jacob went to live with his kinsman, Laban, and marry within the bloodline. Esau went to live and marry among the Gentiles.


 Jacob did not pursue a meeting with Esau until decades later after angelic messengers came to him. The night before he was to meet with Esau he had a revelatory experience. During the experience he saw God face to face. (Genesis 32:30)  “Face to face” was the term used when the Eastern groom removed the veil from the face of the bride as they were united on their wedding night. The next day, as Esau approached, Jacob bowed to the ground seven times. Then Esau ran to meet him and wept as they embraced.  Jacob told Esau that he had seen his face as he had seen the face of God and later addressed him as “my lord” - a term that Eastern wives used to address their husbands. (Genesis 33:1-15)


 The celestial sign of Gemini bears out this record of the first birth of twins. Not only does the sign mean the meeting of masculine and feminine after a long betrothal but it also means the completed. In addition, in the Hebrew language the root word for twins means completed. This pattern of things to come can also be found in the records of the meeting between Melchisedec and Abraham, and the meeting of Joseph, the “vine that grew over a wall” who became as the ruler of Egypt, and his brother, Benjamin.


Jacob said of his son, Joseph, in summation, near the end of Jacob’s life, “the blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills.” (Gen. 49:26) The Hebrew word for Jacob’s progenitors is harah. It is feminine and translated other places as conceived, with child and bear. In contrast or differentiation, the word for Joseph’s father is the masculine ab. Here, in this verse, Jacob, in prophecy identifies his origins from the feminine spiritually and, in differentiation, Joseph’s origins from the masculine spiritually. Jacob goes on in this verse, in prophecy, to say that the crown would be on the head of Joseph who was separate from his brethren. They were separate from Joseph, as Jacob was, because their origins were from the feminine rather than the masculine.


 The pattern of masculine and feminine union can also be observed in all creation. The pollen (spora) lands on the awaiting stigma to produce fertile seeds for regeneration in the following spring’s soil like the regenerative union of masculine and feminine that will bring forth age-long life in the future garden of paradise.


 Some say that those who believe should authenticate their bloodline to determine if they carry the genetic marker of Israel. I would say that this effort would be vanity since salvation is now based on faith alone. Yes, some may unknowingly be of the actual bloodline of Abraham or then again, they may not. It seems as though the Father, through Paul’s revelation, has made it a moot point. It seems that He would rather our time and energies be directed toward proclaiming the union of the feminine faithful joint heirs in Christ with the heirs of God or masculine saints. Until we, in the church, understand and recognize the distinctive administration of the saints combined with the faithfulness of those in Christ we will be tossed to and fro with every cause from righteously labeled doctrine.


 The history of Israel and Judah is a precious gift. Regarding all of former Israel, I do have respect for them as to whom the promises were exclusively first made and as the clearly written examples for study that the Father has preserved for us. I also have regard for Israel being placed  “out front” in one realm and “taking it on the chin”, so to speak, in order that we may be taught about faith in contrast to law and works. I have a high regard for their prophets who spoke the logos of the Holy Spirit and the rhema of Christ and for Peter, who with the Holy Spirit, bore the responsibility for the young church. I have an extremely high regard for the Israelite, Paul, who has spoken most fully of salvation and I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Israelite, who has become salvation for the Father and all humankind. And I, too, look forward to the day when all the true Israel of God as faithful daughters from both Jews and Gentiles shall be central to those things prepared for the soul of man from the beginning of and as an ending to this world.


 One day, in brilliant light, as the veils are lifted, the saints and faithful in Christ Jesus will see the each other face to face, know as known, and rejoice at the glorious depths of the riches of Christ. As we become fully one to function for the ultimate divine purpose, the difficulties of this life will fade into nothingness. Now, for the sake of our family’s future, it is time to become followers of Paul as he was of Christ and cleave unto his revelation of the mystery. It is his revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ that fulfills the word of God for all this world’s ages and satisfies the aspirations of humankind for all eternity.


 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How the shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

  But they have not all obeyed the gospel, for Esaias saith, Lord who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the rhema of Christ. But I say, Have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the inhabitable world. But I say did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.  But Esias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. Romans 10:12-21


For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness from the Gentiles be come in. Romans 11:25


The “No People” II


Genesis is a book of allegorical meanings. It is also factual. The facts are meant as symbols to point to the unseen. Paul confirms this when he says: for the invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,… The Hebrew word for “genesis” means “things that are made.”

There were no “Jews” or “Gentiles” until Isaac was born. He came forth over one thousand years after this world’s original creation. For Gentiles to exist, there must be Jews as a contrast. We can say that when Abraham was first called out he was neither Jew nor Gentile. Abraham’s bloodline (soul-line) was selected to be a tribe that could be set aside as the first sampling of one part salvation’s unfolding plan. This bloodline was set aside because Abraham did believe in contrast to Adam. The selection of Abraham’s line was based only on his belief, not on his genetic line. The scriptures portray his ancestors as idolaters. (Joshua 24:2)

The Father’s wisdom is multifaceted or we could say, many layered. From the beginning he repeats his lessons in many forms and levels of intensity. The destruction by water is an example. The first heaven and earth were, in part by water, fully destroyed. The second heaven and earth were covered with water and all perished except those on the ark. In Peter’s writings, Noah is identified as the eighth person. Biblically, eight is the number for a new beginning. There were eight souls who were lifted above the water. So, the number eight is used twice in reference to Noah and the flood. The number two is used Biblically for confirmation and establishment. Eight being used twice in this context confirms a new beginning.

Noah was a preacher of righteousness. Abel’s sacrifice of blood is the fundamental example of righteousness. As Abel’s sacrifice has reverberated through the ages, Noah’s preaching reverberated unto Abraham’s generation. Noah was perfect while Abraham was told, by Melchisedic, to be perfect.  In so doing Abraham would become a joint heir through faith with Noah and Melchisedic. Abraham did believe what he heard, and its confirmation in the celestial patterns, unto the point of desiring to give up his promised earthly bloodline for something far better through the blood sacrifice of his son, Isaac.

In these two of Abraham and Melchisedic we have one of the many examples of the masculine and feminine groups in Christ: those that are before the foundations of the world and subsequently Abraham, as Jesus told the Pharisees that He was, and those that believe as Abraham did; that which is originally of spirit that comes unto soul and that which is of soul that responds to spirit; that which is higher than angels and that which is a little lower; the bridegroom and his party coming to meet the virgins and the bride, and the virgins responding by coming out to meet the bridegroom. As the son of man by direct lineage from Abraham through Mary, Jesus Christ came to complete all the promises to Israel.  As the Son of God before the foundations of the world and before Abraham, he came to fulfill the promises of salvation for all mankind.

Peter states that Noah was “saved”.  This is not the same Greek word that is translated salvation or saved in other sections of scripture. It is a Greek word that only translated saved in this one place. It is most often translated kept. At its root this word means “reserved tribe”. The flood of Genesis is a type or symbol to reveal what occurred in the destruction of the first heaven and earth by water. The members of this “reserved tribe” are those just, or righteous, spirits reserved from the destruction of the first creation and are made perfect by coming to be combined with this universe’s feminine soul, individually and collectively. (Hebrews 12:23, II Timothy 1:9) Melchisedic, who, without lineage, blessed the soul of Abraham, is also of this tribe that includes Noah and of course, and most importantly, Jesus Christ. These righteous spirits, in the similitude of Melchisedic, have been and are scattered throughout mankind based on grace for the purposes of the Father’s on going plan of salvation. Their scattering is only based on grace, not on genetics or even belief, although their scattering in fertile souls does result in belief to one degree or another.  They have been dispersed, throughout all time, in both what may be considered Jews and Gentiles i.e. without a regard for genetics.

This, as it was in the early church of Acts, was and is difficult to accept for those of the bloodline of Isaac and Jacob. As it was in those days, the pride of having some superior attachment to the divine because of genetics would not allow most who believed from this group to move on to receive Jesus and understand the mystery of Godliness that Paul preached in his later ministry.  Paul, who also was both of those scattered from the reservoir of righteous spirits kept from before the foundations of this world and of the Abrahamic bloodline, recognized this problem and addressed it in Philippians. He lists his genetic credentials then says he counts them as dung so that he may win Christ. Jesus introduced the problem of Israel’s genetic pride in his very first teaching in the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. He pointed out that the great prophet Elijah went to stay with a Gentile widow during the three and one half year famine in Israel and that the only one healed during his ministry was a Gentile. At the conclusion of Jesus’ statements introducing his ministry, the genetic pride of the synagogue leaders inspired them in their unsuccessful attempt to throw Jesus from a high cliff.

Yes, the Abrahamic bloodline was meant to be the first fruits of belief in the blood of the cross for an example to all other nations. They, as an entire bloodline, did not believe as they had been told repeated by Old Testament prophets, Jesus, Peter and Paul. In His last days before the crucifixion, Jesus proclaimed the judgment on the source of this unbelief’s corruption. During Peter and Paul’s ministries there was a reprieve granted during which a second exclusive chance offered and then an inclusive offer with engrafted Gentiles. They, still, as a tribe did not believe. As a sign that we should all take heed unto, the corrupted angelic powers to which Israel clung, destroyed the Jewish nation during the war with Rome from 64 to 73 AD.

We should not ignore the lessons of recent history either. The Aryan race accepted the false belief that they were the purest genetic group destined to save the world. From our history books the devastating consequences as a result of this belief’s extremities are obvious. Today, as a result Biblical history and secular history, we should shun any philosophy that would give genetic heritage or genetic purity a place more proximate to the divine

Today, again, in another form, man looks to genetics as a means for resurrection life and his salvation. In it, he ultimately looks for a superior bloodline to endure as the conquerors of Adam’s sin.  In pride, it is another of the plethora of man’s historical attempts to vainly circumvent the eternal plan of salvation. Are genetics or genetic lineage the panacea heralded or is this the precipice into the pride of man on the verge of destruction?

Paul says what was written aforetime was written for our learning that we might have hope. We can learn much about the pattern for the heavenly plan of salvation from Jewish culture and history in the Old Testament. We can also see from the witness of the prophets the reasons for the rejection of the exclusively genetic house of Israel and house of Judah. As Stephen proclaimed, they and their fathers had resisted the Holy Spirit and killed the prophets. And, yes, it is true as Paul says, all (the) Israel (of God) will be saved. But, as he indicates most clearly, the Israel of flesh will not be saved as a distinct genetic group. They will be saved by a belief that is inclusive within the expanded pattern and in the order of salvation for all men.

Now, as it was initiated with Peter in Cornelius’ gentile household and became established under Paul’s revelation, entrance into the Father’s family is based only on belief regardless of genetics. And, as it has always been, those who have remained in the Father’s house from before the foundations of this world, are now scattered throughout all mankind to bring forth salvation’s fruit.


Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou Lord, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting. Isaiah 64:16


But I say did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.  But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. Romans 10: 21





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