Revision of

Sagittarius, Jupiter, Nunki and the Moon during Tishrei 2008


(In light of the fact that the moon was underneath the feet of Virgo and the sun was in the region of her head on October 1st, 2008 and the fact that Jupiter will be making a triple conjunction with the stars Dened Al Gedi and Naschira in Capricorn next year in 2009, I have revised my earlier article about the near proximity of the planet Jupiter to the star Nunki in Sagittarius being at the beginning of Tishrei this year. The event occurred at the beginning of the previous month of Elul in the Hebrew calendar.

I plan to do an extensive article on the upcoming triple conjunction of the stars Dened Al Gedi and Naschira by Jupiter in Capricorn. Deneb Al Gedi means the judge cometh to cut off the kid goat and Naschira means the station or record of the cutting off.

And I plan a simple article on the masculine feminine Godhead. It is hard for me to understand why people who profess to believe the Bible have such a difficult time with the masculinity of God the Father and the femininity of the Holy Spirit; and that this couple has sons and daughters based on the difference in spiritual gifts. This is a cord that runs through the scripture and is epitomized in the difference between Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ transformed on the mount and James, John and Peter observing from their natural or soul life. These two different that gifts that distinguish between sons and daughters are the gift of the spirit of Christ and the gift from the Holy Spirit.

In the first chapter of Genesis the Hebrew word for God is in the plural. For the word to be plural there must have been more than one involved in the creation of this world and making of life to inhabit this new world. For this reason, Genesis states, “And God(s) said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God(s) created man in his own image, in the image of God(s) created he him; male and female created he them.”

In Romans 1, Paul writes that the invisible things are clearly seen by the things that are made. What is and what was made in the beginning? - "Natural or soul life" The generation and regeneration of all nature has its foundation in the union of masculine and feminine. When in an airplane looking down, the space that man covers, and has covered with his works on earth is very small compared to nature. Nature teaches about the invisible things or the spiritual world; even the female Scorpio who eats her male companion after mating.




Sagittarius, Jupiter, Nunki and the Moon during Elul 2008

The Beginning?

by Steve Santini

July 2008 (Revised November, 2008)



It seems that early September will bring some interesting signs. Most interesting is the close relationship of the fairly bright star Nunki in Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter. In this context the last of the triple conjunction of Nunki by the Jupiter in the night of September the 20th draws particular attention.

Sagittarius, the archer, is positioned in a visual line from earth to the densest portion of the Milky Way. This dense area is the galactic center and was know by ancient observers as the golden gate of heaven. It was believed that this was the gate from which the gods descended to earth in the form of men. According to the ancient beliefs these gods came to punish those who did not believe and to gather together those who did believe.

Sagittarius comes through the ages to us from the first culture after the flood of Noah – that is the Sumerian culture. The name for the star Nunki also comes to us from the Sumerian culture. The first city of the Sumerians culture was Eridu which had as its patron celestial body this star Nunki. Later, in the 2nd millennium when the Akkadians ruled the Sumerian culture for about a century, the entire constellation of Sagittarius was known as Nunki. To these ancient cultures Nunki was, as translated, The Place of the Mighty Ones. Subsequent cultures defined Nunki as The Prince of the Earth. This second magnitude star is located where Sagittarius’ right hand drawing the bow is touching the shaft of the arrow aimed at Scorpio. The stellar location of Nunki is several degrees below the ecliptic – the line on which the sun and, in general, the planets and the moon travel through the circuit of the zodiac.

The planet Jupiter, symbolizing The King of Righteousness, is now traveling on the ecliptic in retrograde motion through the constellation of Sagittarius. In early September, on the 8th, Jupiter will complete its retrograde motion beyond the star Nunki. Then during Jupiter’s forward motion about midnight on September 9th as Jupiter sets in the dark skies over Jerusalem, the moon will occult the star Nunki. Afterwards, on September 20th, Jupiter’s forward motion will take it into its last conjunction with the star Nunki in what is know as a triple conjunction during a planet’s movements in a retrograde zone.

This year the month of September corresponds directly to the Hebrew month of Elul. September 1st is also the first day of Elul on the Hebrew lunar calendar. During this time in early September the planets Mars, Mercury and Venus will be clustered around the midriff of Virgo. Virgo is the zodiacal sign that represents the month of Elul. On September 1st, Rosh Codesh Elul, the crescent new moon, representing the feminine power of regeneration, will join these planets at Virgo’s midriff in the night sky over Jerusalem. "Elul" has been interpreted as an acronym, with its Hebrew letters "Aleph," "Lamed," "Vav," "Lamed" representing the words "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li" (Song of Songs: 6,3). The words mean "I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine,"

Elul is also the 12th month of the Hebrew civil calendar. Biblically, the number twelve represents administrational fulfillment. There were 12 Hebrew tribes and there were 12 apostles appointed by Jesus. This month of Elul was a month of repentance in preparation for the annual Day of Atonement on the eighth day of the following month of Tishrei.

This year, on September 9th, a unique meteor outburst occurred in Perseus. In light of the demarcation of Perseus by unusual Comet Holmes in the fall of 2007 and the winter of 2008 this outburst in this celestial context could be considered symbolically significant.

On the day before at sunrise on the 8th of September, Jupiter ceases its retrograde motion and moves in direct motion back through Sagittarius towards its last conjunction with Nunki on the 20th. On the corresponding Hebrew date the Parashat Ki Tavo of Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8 is read. This section contains the blessing for Israel if they followed God’s instructions in the Promised Land and the curses that would befall them if they did not. (One might consider it providential that, on the 20th in Israel, the announcement that the wheels had fallen off the global economy was made in the United States. Unfortunately there was no repentance but only another attempt by corrupted man to cover himself in his own idea of salvation.)

In the fall of 27AD in the time that Jesus proclaimed from Isaiah the acceptable year of the Lord, Jupiter was also, in one of its rare occurrences, in a quite similar retrograde motion moving over and conjuncting the second and third time with the star Nunki in the hand of Sagittarius. (Luke 4:17-19)

Jewish tradition relates that Moses went up on the mountain of God for the third 40-day period on this first day of Elul and that he came down with the second set of tablets on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur in Tishrei. On his descent Moses’ face shown so brightly that he put a veil upon his face so that the children of Israel could look upon him. This veil is to be taken away in the administration of the spirit. “But if the ministration of death, written and engraved in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.” (Apostle Paul, II Corinthians 3:7-9) A question to ask, in light of these verses and the plethora of celestial signs since 1996 when Jupiter was last in Sagittarius, is “Are these now current signs pointing more clearly towards the advent of the administration of righteousness?”


On Observing the Celestials

On the Plethora of Comets between 1996 and 2008

A Heavenly Sign For Passover 2007-Jupiter in Ophiuchus

Comet 17/P Homes-A Wonderful Sign


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