Some Comments Regarding

 A Journey Unto Revelation’s End


I have been astounded and captivated by the excellence of your work and labor of love in the form of your written works. The message and the ramifications of what you have worked out of the Bible and contingent writings are as important a revelation of knowledge and truth as anything I have heretofore known of or heard about in my many years of seeking the truth of the Bible.” Michael Hoge, California 2004


“Your basic thesis that the book of Revelation is somehow not quite aligned with the rest of the New Testament is a remarkable insight, you are to be congratulated for having the intellectual courage to take such a controversial stand.” Jason Pociask, Arizona 2003


“If you think you are a prophet you are delusional.” Name Withheld, Chicago, IL, 2002

“well written with loving words and rich awareness…very deep!”, Ted Meisner, La Ermita Ministries, Georgia


“rich insights”, Peter Wade, Author of Simple Christianity, Positive Word Ministries, Australia 2002


“fabulous chapter on II Timothy 2:15…you write like Isaiah, keep writing”, Jan Magiera, Light of the Word Ministry, Author of Biblical Lessons on Giving and The First Parallel Translation of the Aramaic Peshitta Gospels, California 2002


“impressive clarity presenting Paul’s gospel as the gospel of Christ. A monumental effort.... thank you FatherRokus denHartog, Dawning Light Ministries, Missouri 2003


“A work of genius, however I do not believe a word of it.” Name Withheld, 2003


“Somehow, with my growing uneasiness and doubts I had about the Book of Revelation, and should it even be in the Bible, I ran across your site. Your writings have blessed me very much.  I think the Pauline revelation of the end times makes so much more sense. than the Book of Revelation. There has always been with me, for years, a nagging sense something wasn't quite right with Revelation. I think your writings are fascinating. You have done an amazing amount of work.. It should definitely be put in book formG.B., Ohio 2004


“especially interesting insights on the Holy Spirit”, Warren Busha,  Indiana 2003


“How dare you use your intellectual prowess to threaten one’s salvation.” Name Withheld, 2005



“absolutely fantastic, incredible depth, passionately and powerfully written. To say you've done fantastic work would be an understatement on my part. What you've uncovered throughout your work is incredible, and those who return to your beautiful garden will not fail to note something new upon each visit.  Danny Mahar, The Center for Marcionite Research & The Aramaic Bible Society, Author of Aramaic Made EZ, CT, 2004



About the Author

Steve Santini was drawn up into the  “Jesus Movement” in the early 1970’s. He obtained degrees in both history and theology. In time he became a minister coordinating and serving churches in Texas, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. In the mid nineteen eighties he left active ministry. In the mid nineteen nineties he was inspired to look more deeply at the Christian life through Biblical study and contemplative prayer.





These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily whether these thing were so. Therefore many of them believed; also of the honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few. Acts 17:11,12


Search the scripture; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. Jesus Christ, John 5:39


Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalms 50:5





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