Two Gospels

The Apostle Peter’s and The Apostle Paul’s

by Steve Santini


In the development of the first century church there were two gospels. The first gospel was that of the apostle Peter and the eleven other apostles. The second gospel was that of the apostle Paul and others who were, in time, raised up to teach this gospel with Paul. It seems to this author that the simplest and most effective manner in which to communicate this subject is to list corresponding differences in these two gospels with a concluding commentary.


Peter’s gospel was a reiteration of all Jesus said and did while in the world. It is reinforced by the Holy Spirit through its gift to those who believe.

Paul’s gospel was a revelation from the ascended Lord seated at the right hand of the Father.

Peter’s gospel is the foundation for the household of God.

Paul’s gospel is the edifice of the household of God.

Peter’s gospel is a continuation from the beginning when man was made a living soul.

Paul’s gospel has its beginnings before the foundations of the world in the mystery of the Spirit of Christ.

Peter’s gospel holds the keys to the kingdom of God.

Paul’s gospel reveals the kingdom of God.

Peter’s gospel is one of entrance.

Paul’s gospel is one of establishment.

Peter’s gospel ministers to the children coming into the family of God.

Paul’s gospel brings the children of God unto maturity.

Peter’s gospel raised Paul up unto the revelation from Jesus Christ. Peter’s foundational gospel was preached by Paul when he first went into a new area to establish a church. Before Peter relinquished the principle of law in exchange for faith, he resisted Paul’s revelation. Paul’s gospel was never preached by Peter. In one of his two epistles written near the end of his life on the future entrance into the kingdom, Peter supports the validity of Paul’s ministry.

Under Paul’s ministration these two gospels came together as the one contiguous gospel for the growth of the household of God.


Commentary: In the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul makes evident the sources of these two gospels. In Ephesians 2:20 he writes to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

And (ye) are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.

The in Ephesians 3:4,5 he writes:

Whereby when you read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets.

Paul used words very purposefully. Notice this difference between verses 2:20 and 3:5. The foundation came from apostles and prophets while the mystery was revealed to “holy” apostles and prophets. There is a difference between “apostles and prophets” and “holy apostles and prophets.” Understanding this difference leads to the revelation of the great mystery given to the apostle Paul.


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