Aphrodite and Kahlan: Their Stories

Hello! I'm Aphrodite. It's a pleasure to meet you.
I have quite a story to tell.
I was a feral kitty living outside all by myself when I met my meowmie.
The picture above is the first one that meowmie took of me.
I was born sometime in the fall of 2003 in Fort Worth, Texas.
I befriended Laura after the snow in February, 2004. She fed me everyday.
I was still a kitten at the time.
I would come to eat every day at 6:15 pm at the top of the steps by her door.
She was always relieved to see me walk aross the parking lot and come up the walkway.
Then I figured out that she left for work early in the morning and I could get food then, too.
The first few times she tried to pet me, I hissed at her. Slowly I got to like it.
I had come to trust her some after a couple of months.
I had become pregnant around the time that I first met her and I gave birth to two kittens on April 15, 2004.
One kitten was a blue tabby female and the other was a grey and white male.
Meowmie didn't want to frighten me away, so she didn't check up on my kittens until they were a month old.
She followed me to the bushes by someone's porch where we lived.
I still came to eat everyday, but I didn't stay long.
I had to go back to stay with my kittens.
Meowmie would always watch me walk though the parking lot until I got back to the bushes.
She wanted to make sure I got back safely.
Meowmie bought a safety cat collar and a tag and while I was eating one day,
she managed to get the collar around my neck.
I didn't mind it at all. She wanted me to have one in case something happened to me.

I was trusting her more, so I was bringing my kittens closer and closer to her apartment.
Meowmie was so ecstatic when I finally brought them to the bushes by her building.
Unfortunately, a couple of days later, when my kittens were 8 weeks old, my male kitten suddenly disappeared.
Meowmie looked all over for him, but she couldn't find him. She was heartbroken.
She wishes we were able to tell her what had happened.
I became pregnant again around that time.
So meowmie was trying really hard to socialize me,
so the new kittens would not be born outside.
In the meantime, meowmie was trying so hard to get my female kitten to trust her.
She was almost 4 months old and she just did not want to be caught.
Here is a picture of us when my kitten was about 3 months old.

To make that part of the story short, the kitten disappeared for three days.
When she came back, she was very hungry.
Meowmie coaxed her in with some baby food and Fancy Feast
and immediately saw she had a Urinary Tract Infection.
So my meowmie and dad brought her to the vet and got her all fixed up.
She had a home and a name now! Her name is Kahlan. Isn't she sweet?
She's named after the lead female character in the "Sword of Truth" novels written by Terry Goodkind.

About a week later, I came meowing at the door of meowmie's apartment.
Thank goodness she had come home from work early that day.
She was so relieved that I had decided to trust her enough
and accept her invitation to have my kittens indoors.
I gave birth to four beautiful kittens in the bedroom.
There were two males and two females. Here they are!

The third kitten (the black and white tuxedo male w/a regular-length tail) was born breach and meowmie had to pull him out for me.
She had to help me with the last kitten also(the female that looks like me on the left!).
I was so tired, meowmie had to tear open the sac and clean her off.
The kittens were born at 5:55 pm, 6:55 pm, 7:55 pm and 9:00 pm on August 20, 2004.
Even though Kahlan was just a kitten herself at 4 months of age,
she helped me take care of them.

Three of the kittens went to new homes and our humans kept one.
His name is Gimli and he's a handsome brown classic tabby Manx.
He is named after the dwarf in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
He is almost 3 years old and he weighs 18 pounds.

This is Gimli trying to sit on Nigel while they are playing.
He walks backwards and tries to sit on the other cats.
I figure he knows he has those long legs and that little tail. :)

The kittens' dad is a stray brown mackerel tabby Manx that someone has left behind.
So my kittens inherited Manx genes from him.
Here's what Papa looks like--

The Manx is a breed of tailless cat originating from the Isle of Man.

Here are some pics from Gimli's cat shows

July 16,2006--The International Feline Showcase Cat Club

Best HHP(left), 3rd Best HHP, and 6th Best HHP

We are all neutered/spayed and we have received our vaccinations.
We all live the nice life indoors!
Did I mention that I loooooove to sleep on the bed?

Kahlan and I are content to sit at the window and look at the world in which we used to live.

We know we are very lucky to have found our meowmie.

On Monday, August 1, 2005, Aphrodite disappeared when our dad let her out for a few minutes.
She was about to come back inside, when one of the outside ac units turned on.
She freaked out and ran around the corner and disappeared. We never found her.
Meowmie is very worried. Purrlease pray for her safe return.
If you would like to read and see more about us, please feel free to visit our Catster pages.
Catster New Pictures of us!

Click on Gimli's picture below to go to his First Birthday party!

Kahlan celebrates her second birthday on April 15, 2006!
Congratulations to her!
Click on the balloons below to go to her birthday party!

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