(: About Me! :)
   My REAL name is Michelle and  I've got so many nicknames, what's one more?! I am currently a resident of the college campus in Oneonta. "Where the hell's that?"  Well, it's like in the middle of New York State.  Born in Jersey, I moved to South New York before I was one and lived there ever since.  But I don't want to bore you with the details.
     My favorite show, obviously, is Darkwing Duck, but being the internally EVIL person I am, I like the villains.  Come to think of it, I've ALWAYS loved cartoon villians!!!  But shows, like Johnny Bravo, whom don't have villains, I like Carl!!!  He reminds me of Megsie!   Eee!!!! :)
      WHY do I have a thing fer the villains??.....Well....I just DO!!  They can have SO much MORE personality than good guys, they're smart, though they always loose, :(  I gues we all have a little evil in us somewhere.  Negaduck being the embodiment of that evil, but in any case, they're just fun.  Why try wander in the insane mind of a villain crazed fan femme when all you should do is run??!  Ha, ha!!
     I'm cheep.  I wanted to make a website fer free, cause I'm a poor college student. :(  I want to share my crazed ideas wit my homies dat like the same things I do!!  Like with Tracy or Sparky!!   Here's me and my presently deceased:'( guinea pig Rascal doing homework and sunning ourselves in past early high school days.