The ever-so-EXCITING life of Kim Fyke
Yo homies. Dis be Kim up in tha hizz-ouse. ok ok ok...enough ghettofabulous talk.

I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am currently a Junior at Emory and Henry College.

Its ok if you have never heard of Emory and Henry, most people haven't. Its a little private Liberal Arts College stuck between some mountains and cow pastures in Southwestern Virgina, where every knows your name...and CERTAINLY knows your business. Am i bitter? NAH. Its just what you get when you go to school with less than 1000 people...remember how it was in highschool with all the gossip and such? Yep, same here....oh well.

ANYWHO- i'm origionally from Springfield, Tennessee. Another small-ass country town, but this time about 30 minutes north of Nashville. No mountains here.

If you've love music and have never been to Nashville before -WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU???

I kid, but seriously. It IS 'Music City USA' and they have grreeeeat opportunities to see ALL kinds of music in all types of settings. No no, I'm not on the Board of Tourism for Nashville, I just think its a pretty damn cool place.

During the semester of Spring 2002 I got the chance to spend it abroad, studying at Harlaxton College in Grantham, England (about an hours train ride north of London). Let me tell you about the best decision I ever made. Not only did I meet some
greeeat people from all over the country, but got to spend 4 months traveling and getting wasted all over Europe!!! Good Times.

ANYWHO- I suppose I don't have much more to say right now.


New Orleans baby!!!
more pictures coming soon.
pictures from New Orleans.
"i want to see more pictures!!" you might be saying......well here you go!!
a saturday with Brad at Hidden Valley Lake!
more hiking pictures...via brad's site
NEW PICTURES OF HARLAXTON ADventures!!!! take a look below!!
my semester abroad.
BONNAROO Music Festival June 2002
Visiting Emily and pals in Bloomington, Indiana- SUMMER 2002
Road Trip to Eau Claire, Wisconsin- FALL BREAK 2002- Harlaxton Reunion
Senior Trip 2000- (very very brief) tour of Europe
My Info:
Kim Fyke
Some links that I enjoy throughly
The Onion
Me in Bath, England grabbing some naked dudes no...chill out! its just a joke!!

He was wearing a loin cloth...geeez. 

But in all seriousness, it was just a manquin of a Roman dude.
Me (on the right) and my old roomie Lindsay -- she just transferred to the University of New Orleans.  I MISS YOU LINDSAY!!
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