Cinco de Mayo Unit
to: "Do you know the muffin man"
Cinco de Mayo Benito Juarez Do you know the story of, the
story of , the story of
Yes, I know that brave Juarez,
brave Juarez, brave Juarez
The French they had no right
to rule ,no right to rule, no right to rule,
Our soldiers and the people said,
the people said, the people said
So Juarez formed an army troop,
an army troop, an army troop,
That's why we like to celebrate,
celebrate, celebrate,
Benito Juarez Says... How To Play: Before playing explain to the children that Benito Juárez, a Zapotec Indian, was born and raised in extreme poverty. With hard work, determination, and strong love for his country, Juárez became the president of Mexico and defeated the French, who had occupied the country for five years. Played similar to Simon Says. The player up is "Benito Juarez". Player will say "Benito Juarez says hop on one foot". The children will hop on one foot. Player will say "Stop". The children are to keep hopping on one foot until player says "Benito Juarez says stop". Repeat for additional activities such as take one baby step forward, step backwards, turn around, sit down. Sometimes Benito Juarez will say "Benito Juarez says" and sometimes he won't. It's a fun game to play with young children. |