 Cinco de Mayo

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo

It is fun and exciting to learn about the cultures and traditions of other countries. During the month of May, we take one week to study a few of Mexico's traditions and culture.  Arizona, the state we live in, borders Mexico. It is a fun time for some of our students to share with their peers the culture of their families that have moved to Arizona from Mexico. We integrate songs, counting, Mexican history, literature, arts, crafts and social studies into our unit.

Here is what The World Book Encyclopedia says about Cinco de Mayo:
"Cinco de Mayo commemorates the victory of a Mexican army over a French army at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The Mexican army, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza, won the battle even though the French force was better armed and three times as large. The battle occurred after Emperor Napoleon III of France sent troops to Mexico to conquer the country. Despite the Mexican victory at Puebla, the French later gained control of Mexico City and established a French-supported government there. In 1866 and 1867, however, France withdrew its troops from Mexico because of resistance by many Mexicans and pressure from the United States. The French-backed government soon fell.

Cinco de Mayo is celebrated differently depending on where you live. For example, in Mexico, it may be observed with parades, festivals, music, and dancing. In the United States, celebrations often include parades, folk dancing, speeches, carnival rides, and Mexican music."