Read: Fiesta by Ginger Guy
Reading Circle: 
1. TSW  Look at the cover, TSW discuss and predict what the story might be about.
2. TW  Name the author and illustrator
3. TW  Read
4. TSW Discuss and have Question time.
5. TSW List the numbers in spanish and english. 
6. TSW List the objects that match the numbers. 

Read: Ferdinand
Reading Circle: 
1. TSW Look at the cover and discuss and predict what the story might be about.
2. TW  Name the author and illustrator
3. TW  Read
4. TSW Discuss and have Question time for review.
5. Students will recall Ferdinand's activities in sequence order
6. Teacher will list them on the white board.

Read: Tortillas, Tortillas 
Reading Circle: 
1. TSW Look at the cover and discuss and predict what the story might be about.
2. TSW  Name the author and illustrator
3. TSW  Read
4. TSW  Discuss and have Question time for review.
5. Students will recall adjectives used to describe tortillas.
6. Teacher will list them on the white board.

Read: Too Many Tamales
Reading Circle: 
1. TSW Look at the cover and discuss and predict what the story might be about.
2. TSW  Name the author and illustrator
3. TSW  Read
4. TSW  Discuss and have Question time for review.
5. Students will recall adjectives used to describe tamales.
6. Teacher will list them on the white board.
link: lesson plans

Songs: Link
Fiesta Navidad, Hat Dance, Days of the Week...