Song: Sung to: "Do you know the muffin man"
Cinco de Mayo
Benito Juarez: Was the President of Mexico
Benito Juarez

Do you know the story of, the story of , the story of
Do you know the story of this great and happy day?

Yes, I know that brave Juarez, brave Juarez, brave Juarez
Yes I know that brave Juarez Chased the French away

The French they had no right to rule ,no right to rule, no right to rule,
The French they had no right to rule Our lovely Mexico

Our soldiers and the people said, the people said, the people said
Our soldiers and the people said The French have got to go

So Juarez formed an army troop, an army troop, an army troop,
So Juarez formed an army troop to chase the French away

That's why we like to celebrate, celebrate, celebrate,
That's why we like to celebrate On the 5th of May

Song: Sung to: "Are You Sleeping Brother John"

Red is rojo,
Green is verde, blue azul, negro black,
Yellow amarillo, purple is morado,
grey is gris, brown cafe.