Dinosaur poems/songs

Many of these were complied from listservs on the internet


5 Little Dinosaurs   (Tune: 5 Little Ducks)


One dinosaur went out to play

On a bright and sunny day

He had such enormous fun

That he called another dinosaur to come.

(Call very loudly) DI-NO-SAUR!!

(Then chant while patting hands on lap)  Thump!  Thump!  Thump!


Repeat for 2, 3, etc.


5 dinosaurs went out to play

On a bright and sunny day

They had such Enormous fun

That they called for another dinosaur to come.



(Teacher)  But they heard no thumps!

Instead, they heard their mother

And she was calling


(Thump hands many times on lap and say)

And they all went home for dinner!



Ditty Do  (Tune: Do Wah Ditty Diddy)


Here he comes just a stomping with his feet

Singing “dino ditty, ditty dum, ditty do.”

Searching all around for something good to eat,

Singing “dino ditty, ditty dum, ditty do.”

He’s huge. (He’s huge.) He’s strong. (He’s strong.)

He’s huge, he’s strong, won’t be hungry very long.

“dino ditty, ditty dum, ditty do”

“dino ditty, ditty dum, ditty do”


Dinosaur Action Song  (Tune:  This Old Man)


Dinosaur, touch the floor

Shake your tail and give a roar

*You’re the finest looking dinosaur that I have ever seen.

  Please come sing and dance with me.

Dinosaur, show me one

Look up high, do you see the sun?  (repeat refrain *)

Dinosaur, show me two

Bend down low and tie your shoe (refrain)

Dinosaur, show me three

Show me can you bend your knee (Refrain)

Dinosaur, show me four

Turn around and face the door (refrain)

Dinosaur, stretch once more

Go to sleep but please don’t snore (repeat refrain *)


5 Dinosaurs


The first big dinosaur went stomp, stomp, stomp.

I said to the first dinosaur, ”stop, stop, stop.

The second big dinosaur went run, run, run.

I said to the second dinosaur, “Fun, fun, fun!”

The third big dinosaur went thump, thump, thump.

I said to the third dinosaur, “Jump, jump, jump!”

The fourth big dinosaur went whack, whack, whack.

I said to the fourth dinosaur, “You stay back!”

The fifth big dinosaur went creep, creep, creep.

I said to the fifth dinosaur, “It’s time to sleep.”




Dinosaur Zoo


Allosaurus, Stegasaurus, Apatosaurus too,

They all went off together at the Dinosaur Zoo.

Along came the waiter called Tyrannosaurus Rx,

Gobbled up the table cause they wouldn’t pay their checks!


Five Enormous Dinosaurs


5 enormous dinosaurs letting out a roar,

One went away and then there were four.

4 enormous dinosaurs munching on a tree,

One went away and then there were three.

3 enormous dinosaurs with nothing to do,

One went away and then there were two.

2 enormous dinosaurs having lots of fun,

One went away and then there was one.

One enormous dinosaur afraid to be a hero,

He went away and then there was zero.



Dinosaur, Dinosaur  (Tune: Teddy bear, teddy bear)


Dinosaur, dinosaur, stomped around.

Dinosaur, dinosaur, shook the ground.

Dinosaur, dinosaur, gave a loud roar

Dinosaur, dinosaur is here no more.

Dinosaur, dinosaur, gave some fear

Dinosaur, dinosaur we wish you were here.



I’d Like to Be a Dinosaur (Tune: Mary had a Little Lamb)


I’d like to be a dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur

And if I was a dinosaur, I’d be a ______________________.


(Each child has a turn naming a dino.)




Dinosaurs – That’s Prehistoric!  (Tune: London Bridges)


Dinosaurs lived long ago, long ago, long ago,

Dinosaurs lived long ago,

That’s prehistoric!


Tyrannosaurus was very mean, very mean, very mean,

Tyrannosaurus was very mean.

That’s prehistoric!


Apatosaurus was very bog, very big, very big,

Apatosaurus was very big,

That’s prehistoric!


Stegosaurus had heavy spikes, heavy spikes, heavy spikes,

Stegosaurus had heavy spikes,

That’s prehistoric!


Triceratops had 3 sharp horns, 3 sharp horns, 3 sharp horns,

Triceratops had 3 sharp horns,

That’s prehistoric!


All the dinosaurs disappeared, disappeared, disappeared,

All the dinosaurs disappeared,

That’s prehistoric!


The Dino Dance (Tune: Hokey Pokey)

(Have each child make a dinosaur puppet before doing the song)


You put your dino up, you put your dino down, you put your dino up

And you shake it all around

You do the dino dance and you turn yourself around.  Stomp twice on the ground.  Dino Dance!


You put your dino in front, you put your dino in back, you put your dino in front.  And you give your knee a slap.

You do the dino dance and you turn yourself around.  Stomp twice on the ground.  Dino Dance!


You touch your dino to your head, you touch your dino to your toes, you touch your dino to your head.  And you shake it to and fro.

You do the dino dance and you turn yourself around.  Stomp twice on the ground.  Dino Dance!


You do the dino dance, You do the dino dance, You do the dino dance. That’s what it’s all about.  Dino Dance!



Oh, Do you know?  (Tune:  Muffin Man)


Oh, do you know the stegosaurus, the stegosaurus, the stegosaurus?

Oh do you know the stegosaurus?

He had plates on his back.


Oh, do you know the Apatosaurus, the apatosaurus, the apatosaurus?

Oh, do you know the Apatosaurus?

He had a very long neck.


Oh, do you know the Tyrannosaurus Rex,  the Tyrannosaurus Rex,  the Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Oh, do you know the Tyrannosaurus rex?

He was very fierce.


Oh, do you know the triceratops, the triceratops, the triceratops?

Oh, do you know the triceratops?

He had 3 big, sharp horns.


I’m Bringing Home a baby Dinosaur


I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur

Won’t my mommy hide behind the door

I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!


I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur

Won’t my mommy fall right through the floor

I’m bringing home a baby dinosaur

Ouch! He squished me!


All Around the Swamp  (Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)


The Tyrannosaurus rex went grr, grr, grrr,

Grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr, grrr,

The Tyrannosaurus rex went grrr, grrr, grrr

All around the swamp.


The triceratops horns went poke, poke poke

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke,

The triceratops horns went poke, poke, poke,

All around the swamp.


The Apatosaurus went munch, munch, munch

Munch, munch, munch, munch, munch, munch

The Apatosaurus went munch, munch, munch

All around the swamp.


The stegosaurus tail went spike, spike, spike,

Spike, spike, spike, spike, spike, spike

The stegosaurus tail went spike, spike, spike,

All around the swamp.



Math Activities

§        Dinosaur Measurement – have a discussion about the dinosaurs and ask the children to guess how big they thought each dinosaur was.  Record answers.  Then tell each child the measurement and using yarn or paper (already precut to 1 foot)  count how many pieces you would need to measure the dinosaur.  Then in a hallway or outside lay the pieces down.  Students will be amazed at how big they really are. 


§        Dinosaur counting/sorting – Purchase small dinosaurs and have the children count them and sort them.  They can make patterns with the dinosaurs.  They can do adding and subtracting too. 



Center Activities

§        Sand table – If you don’t have one use large aluminum tray and fill with sand.  Put dinosaurs or bones in the sand.

§        Science – Make a volcano.  In a aluminum tray, have the students mix some soil, sand and water around a small glass jar to form the volcano.  In the jar fill in half way with baking soda.  In a small cup mix vinegar with red food coloring.  Add to the baking soda. 


§        Manipulative – Make a Dinosaur memory game.  Put pictures of 2 dinos on construction paper or oak tag.  Laminate and cut.



Writing Activities






Art Activities

§         Make dinosaur puppets – I had the dinosaur pattern already drawn.  The students picked which dinosaur they wanted.  They colored and cut it.  Paste it on a paper bag.  Then do the Dino Dance (see songs).


§         Dinosaur eggs-  Stretch open a balloon and have an assistance put in a dinosaur.  Blow up the balloon.  Give one to each child.  Have each child put newspaper strips dipped in a flour and water mixture around the balloon until it is all covered and smoothe.  Allow to dry.  Paint the eggs different colors.  Set a day aside to crack the eggs. 


§        Dinosaur rubbings


Cooking Activities


§        Make dinosaur sugar cookies.  I bought the Pillsbury ready-made sugar cookie dough.  Give each child a small ball to flatten out on waxed paper and using flour so the dough doesn’t stick.  Use dinosaur cookie cutters to cut desired shape.  Sprinkle cookies with green sprinkles.


§        Ice cream cone volcanoes.  Give each child a plate and have them cover the middle with some chocolate pudding.  Give each child a sugar cone and have them break off just the tip and place it upside down on the pudding.  Using a spoon, have them place red, orange, yellow icing down the cone.  Add green coconut for grass and gummi dinosaurs.  Try to have a sample done ahead of time.